Despite efforts, AIDS increases in Israel – Israel News


AIDS ribbon

AIDS ribbon.
(photo credit: REUTERS)


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AIDS patients admitted to the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa doubled between 2008 and 2017, according to a study published in honor of the International AIDS Day.

The majority of 136 AIDS patients were immigrants from Ethiopia (37%) and the former Soviet Union (29%).

"Today there are new drugs, innovative treatments, comprehensive studies and totally new treatment concepts that make the disease chronic and treatable," said Dr. Eduardo Shachar, director of the Institute of Medicine. AIDS in Rambam. "But to our great regret, there are groups in the population who operate out of complacency, shame or lack of knowledge of the treatment available.The message is clear and important: for your health and that of those around you, you must be controlled."

Since September 2018, 90 additional patients have been diagnosed.

The report also revealed that 60 of these patients were probably carriers of the disease because they were unaware and were not diagnosed before admission to the hospital.

"On this World AIDS Day, it is imperative that the public be made aware of the early detection and treatment of HIV / AIDS," said Richard Hirschhaut, National Executive Director of the American Medical Center American Friends of Rambam.

This is part of a broader global trend, where more and more people are contracting HIV each year. Despite efforts to reduce the spread of the disease, the number of HIV-infected viruses has increased dramatically in the last 10 years. This is largely due to the increase of the virus in countries with few resources.

Some 19.6 million people were living with HIV in Eastern and Southern Africa in 2017, while only 22,000 were living with HIV in the Middle East and North Africa.

In Ethopia in particular, about 610,000 children and adults were living with HIV. Although it is complicated to understand all people living with HIV in the former Soviet Union, in Russia in 2017 there were 1,000,000 people with the virus.

HIV or human immunodeficiency virus, is a virus that can cause AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV attacks the immune system and prevents the body from fighting infections. If HIV is not treated and destroys too many cells preventing the body from defending itself, it is likely that this person will have AIDS. This leaves the body defenseless against other viruses.

"They are unaware of the disease, are untreated and are therefore diagnosed during hospitalization after developing immunodeficiency complications, after spending a lot of time with medical uncertainties until they are diagnosed with the disease. to get the correct diagnosis, "explained Shacher.

International AIDS Day is commemorated on December 1st.

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