Do you drink too much? Take this test to find out


IT'S that time of year again … we're nearing Christmas and that means even more boozing than usual.

While we are in the festive season, do you really know how much you are drinking?

  The quiz starts by asking how old you are and if you're a man or woman
The quiz starts by asking how old you are and if you're a man or woman
  You'll be invited to drink
You'll be invited to drink

Between the Christmas parties, family gatherings, catch ups with friends and the hard-to-resist temptation of a Christmas market, it does not take long for your alcohol units to skyrocket.

Luckily, Public Health England and Drinkaware have come up with a handy online calculator that will tell you if you drink too much.

The quiz starts off your age and how much you drink each week.

Tipple – beer, wine, spirits – you had that week.

You will also be invited to the days of the week.

Once you've been in it, you know it's going to be a lot of energy.

It will also tell you how many calories that is, which is fairly shocking if you drink a lot.

Official guidelines recommend that we should not drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week.

That's the equivalent of six pints or medium glbades of wine … so

  At the end of the quiz you'll be told if you're putting your health at risk or not
At the end of the quiz you'll be told if you're putting your health at risk or not
  Your results will compare you to other people in the UK and tell you how many calories you're drinking
Your results will compare you to other people in the UK and tell you how many calories you're drinking


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Drinking too much of your favorite tipple comes with a range of both short- and long-term risks.

People who are binge-drinkers are more likely to engage in risky behavior – and that's how accidents happen.

Long-term alcohol misuse can lead to heart disease, stroke, liver disease and some types of cancer, including bowel and liver cancer.

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