Do you want your baby to sleep longer? This is what science says


Watching your baby sleep is one of the most moving experiences you can have as a new mom. Not only do they look like tiny cherubs while they sleep happily, but you can finally take a break. Of course, making sure your little darlings do not fall asleep is not always as easy as it looks and many meals and nighttime awakenings can really make you forget the first few months of the parenthood, is not it?

can be a fairly simple way to encourage a baby to sleep longer and wake up less often: feed him with solid food. A study published in JAMA Pediatrics this month found that introducing baby food earlier may be the key to a good sleep, although this contradicts the medical opinion that the Breast milk or milky formula are best until six months. sleeps

A clinical trial in England and Wales separated about 1,300 infants aged 3 months into two groups, according to USA Today: One group ate solid foods from 3 months and the other was badfeeding exclusively up to 6 months. The researchers found that babies who started eating solid foods at 3 months woke less often and slept longer than babies who started eating at 6 months.

Many people believe that the early introduction of solid foods can decrease bad milk, which is risky because of its many beneficial qualities. Some call it "liquid gold". The World Health Organization recommends exclusive badfeeding for 6 months.

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