Do you wear enough sunscreen? Most people do not apply it correctly, according to a study


Most people wear sunscreen badly, applying a thin layer that only provides 40 percent of its SPF, or sun protection factor, according to new research. But rather than teaching consumers how to properly administer a lotion or spray, the researchers recommend using high SPF sunscreen to better prevent ultraviolet rays that can damage cells and cause cancer of the skin. skin.

Dermato Venereologica, scientists split a group of 16 fair-skinned Britons into two groups: one that received a single exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and another that was exposed to 30 times the amount of UV light for five consecutive days to simulate sunlight in popular vacation destinations like Florida and Brazil. Both groups wore a 50 SPF sunscreen, but vacation participants applied a thicker layer, closer to the two milligrams per square centimeter suggested by the manufacturer.

Even after prolonged exposure to the sun, fake vacationers were wearing a thicker layer of sunscreen were better protected against damage by UV DNA than their counterparts, who applied less than 0 , 75 milligrams per square centimeter, the average amount of sunscreen users apply. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends to adults to apply an ounce – enough to fill a glbad of sunscreen – to ensure complete coverage.

To determine the SPF index of sunscreen, manufacturers are testing its ability to protect users' skin. ] milligrams of sunscreen per square centimeter. Most users apply less than half that amount, said lead author Antony Young.

"Since most people do not use the solar filters tested by the manufacturers, it's better that people use a much higher SPF than they think they need," he said. Young in a statement.

<img itemprop = " contentUrl "width =" 961 "height =" 641 "clbad =" mapping-embed lazysize lazyload "src =" public / 2018/07/25 / sunscreenappliedwrong.jpg "alt =" sunscreen_applied_wrong [19659007] A man travels to the beach in July in Ouistreham, France.A new study found that most people are applying poorly to the environment. sunscreen and receive only 40% of its so-called SPF protection. (Photo by Charly Triballeau / AFP / Getty Images)

The SPF indicates the length of time during which a sunscreen user can sunbathe without getting sunburn.So the SPF 30 translates to 30 times more sunscreen for sunscreen users comparativemen t unprotected sunbathing. But if an SPF 15 sunscreen should be enough for a few hours in the sun, a bad application means that users will probably harvest less than half of its UV protection benefits, said Young.

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Another tried and tested method to avoid bad coverage? Apply sunscreen more than once. A March study found that after a second application, sunscreen users applied between 13 and 100% more sunscreen and that many spots on their body had completely disappeared during the first dose.

The type of sunscreen) is less important than the way it is applied and its SPF index. Although the application of sunscreen spray is more common and easier to apply, users are more likely to apply a thinner and less protective layer than lotions or creams. The Food and Drug Administration also warned against sunscreen inhalation or application near an open flame because some products contain flammable ingredients.

Sun protection badly needs improvement: skin cancer rates doubled between 1982 and 2011 has been steadily increasing in recent years, reported the CDC. More than 90% of cases of melanoma, the most aggressive and dangerous form of skin cancer, are caused by UV rays that damage skin cells. Ultraviolet light triggers a reaction in thymine, a DNA base that can disrupt cell processes and kill healthy cells or create cancer cells for them.

But some skin cancers develop from damage to DNA without UV exposure. A 2012 article in the journal Nature showed that melanomas can develop in people with a "redhead / fair skin" phenotype without excessive exposure to the sun. The pigmentation of these cells can produce a carcinogenic reaction caused by the body's inability to detoxify free radicals, which can damage the DNA in the same way as UV radiation.

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