Dog lovers are outraged by an editorial referring to dogs as "parasites".


An editorial published by San Diego Union-Tribune "Pest" call dogs, has a very bad reaction online. The first half of Chris Reed's editorial – titled "Let's Be Honest in America: Dogs Are Parasites, Not the Best Friend of Man" – suggests that humans have bitten their dogs too much. A good point. The doggy dog ​​services that he refers to in the room are probably wasted on our canine companions.

But then the play takes a dark turn. Dogs, says Reed, are "parasites" that force humans to feed them and heal them with their adorable antics. To make this point incorrect, Reed refers to Stephen Budiansky's 1999 "The Truth About Dogs," which argues that various dog manipulation tactics are to blame for our love of these deadly hairs.

Twitter Dog was not happy

Shortly after the publication of Reed's editorial, the Morris Animal Refuge of Philadelphia tweeted to Union-Tribune urging the publication to help adoptable dogs like penance.

"Sweet adoptable boy Comet has no idea that this piece says it's a parasite," reads Morris Animal Refuge's tweet. "So, he smiles happily with his big smile, @sdutIdeas, the least you can do is help him find a loving home!"

It seems that Reed knew that negative attention was going come.

"Over-Under on when I get my first angry Twitter response on this column: In eight minutes," Reed tweeted.

And the angry responses that he received.

Dog lovers took Twitter to defend their good boys and girls and express their anger and consternation on the column.

Our problem is that there is not enough of it

– DekZek (@DekZek) July 12, 2018

read the article, just because. And the premise is ridiculous. He says our dogs swindle us to spoil them. Like, agree? They always make me happy forever so who cares if they "use" us! OPEN INVITATION FOR EACH DOG TO DESIGN ME TO LOVE IT

– Tweets from the World Cup until July 16 (@TheKaylaKnapp) July 12, 2018

Some even joked that that the journalists cats were responsible for this article. A hard, but legitimate hypothesis

That's why you do not let cats write for your journal

– Deb Chachra (@debcha) 12 July 2018

Of course, dogs probably ] are parasites, but only in the same way that avocados are a fruit. Nobody cares, and it does not matter.

If each parasite was a dog, the world would be a better place in my humble opinion. And if you have the opportunity, snuggle up with your favorite parasite this weekend and let it transport you to a state of being happier.

[H/T: Twitter Moments]

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