Fallout 76's refund policy can lead to legal issues


Washington DC Law Firm Takes Part in a Bethesda Business Practices Inquiry Following a Series of Fan Complaints Regarding Refunds Benefits 76.

As you may have heard, Fallout 76 It's a bit of a mess. Even if you look beyond the complaints about the legend of the game and its general treatment of the Fall universe, you still have a game that is loaded with bugs that make the game all boring downright unplayable. These bugs seem to be the main reason why even some of the biggest supporters of the game have decided to request a refund from Bethesda.

Here's where the legal issues come in. While some argue that Bethesda has not been slow in honoring their claims, many other users have reported that Bethesda's support team has refused their application for reimbursement. refund because "customers who have downloaded the game can not claim a refund". Despite all logic, it appears that the same policy can be found among the terms and conditions of the Bethedsda Game Launcher Service.

Now, the law firm Migliaccio & Rathod LLP says that Bethesda is not only unreasonable with regards to its refund policy, but that the various problems and bugs encountered in Fallout 76 are unacceptable.

"While the release of most new games is expected, minor bugs Fallout 76 launched with a 56GB patch that has turned out to be a starting point for gambling problems, "reads in a statement from the law firm." Players who have tried to receive a refund due to the myriad problems of the game can not do it since they downloaded the game, leaving them to live an unplayable experience until the fixes bring it back to a game. playable state. "

At present, it does not appear that Migliaccio & Rathod LLP has opened a full and formal legal investigation. This means that all legal proceedings or other legal remedies of this type can be in months or years (if they occur). However, the badistance of this law firm could encourage Bethesda to look for other solutions.

No matter how this ends, it's pretty clear that Fallout 76 is in a very bad state and its remaining players may not stay long enough for the game to be redeemed in the same way as games like destiny and No Man's Sky finally succeeded in reversing the situation.

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