Federal Prime Minister Supports Federal Plan on Obesity


Queensland Prime Minister Annastacia Palaszczuk supported a proposal by the federal government to tackle the Australian obesity crisis by recording the weight and size of each elementary student.

Parents could withdraw from the proposal of the Global Obesity Center (GLOBE) Australia is now the sixth most overweight or obese country behind Mexico, the United States, New Zealand, Finland and Chile, reports News Corp Australia.

GLOBE also claims a sugar tax and advertising restrictions. 19659004] Ms Palaszczuk said Saturday that she was "quite" for any plan that promoted a healthier outlook on life. "The priority should be to give our children a good start in life, and I would not be against health" However, Ms. Palaszczuk said the weighing should not be done in a school setting where children might be embarrbaded in front of their peers. "

" I think r family and in consultation with their local GP – I think that's the right process to follow. "

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