First Diana Storm orange alerts issued by Met Eireann while they forecast gusts of up to 130 km / h


MET Eireann issued the first orange warnings before storm Diana hits Ireland tomorrow with winds of 130 km / h.

Up to now, six counties have received an orange wind warning, the rest of the country being under a yellow wind alert.

    The map shows where Met Eireann issued warnings.
The map shows where Met Eireann issued warnings.

Orange alerts have been issued for Cork, Kerry, Waterford, Wexford, Galway and Clare.

It is valid from 9am to 2pm tomorrow and reads: "Strong winds badociated with storm Diana on Wednesday.

"Winds from south to southwest ranging from 65 to 80 km / h will blow between 110 and 130 km / h, and the high seas too, with a risk of coastal flooding."

Meanwhile, Met Eireann's yellow alert is valid throughout the country from 5am to 4pm because strong gusts are expected early in the morning.

It reads: "Gale force winds badociated with storm Diana on Wednesday.

"Southwesterly winds of 55 to 65 km / h will produce gusts of 90 to 110 km / h."

    Storm Diana will hit Wednesday

Carlow weather

Storm Diana will hit Wednesday

Already, yellow wind and rain warnings are in place in 16 counties today, while the horrible weather has begun.

A forecaster added: "Tomorrow Wednesday will be a very windy day with strong and violent winds and very windy winds, turning southeast to the southwest.

"Some heavy rain or showers sometimes, especially in the north and west." Mild, maximum temperatures of 13 to 15 ° C.

Met Eireann says that an orange warning is issued when people must "be prepared".

    People are advised to stay away from the ribs

PA: Press Association

People are advised to stay away from the ribs

They explain: "This category of orange weather warnings relates to weather conditions that have the ability to significantly affect the inhabitants of the affected areas.

"The issuance of an orange-level weather warning implies that all recipients in the affected areas must prepare appropriately for the intended conditions."

An orange wind warning is issued when two criteria are met: average speeds between 65 and 80 km / h and gusts between 110 and 130 km / h.

In order for a rare red alert to be issued, average speeds must be greater than 80 km / h and gusts above 130 km / h.

    New weather warnings were issued today


New weather warnings were issued today

Storm Diana, appointed by the Portuguese Meteorological Service IMPA, is currently threatening the Azores.

Earlier in the day, Alan O 'Reilly of Carlow Weather introduced a new weather map showing that Storm Diana was heading for Ireland.

Sharing the picture on Instagram, he wrote: "For those who ask if it's about #StormDiana, I'm afraid it will happen. Atlantic and will arrive in tomorrow morning's night with strong bursts tomorrow and some rains, more warning time probably later today. "

    Heavy rain is on the cards for today


Heavy rain is on the cards for today

"This will merge with another minimum before reaching Ireland and the UK on Wednesday, resulting in rainy and windy weather.

"The next name on the list of storms for Ireland and the UK is #Deirdre." A flawless stay

Localized floods are also expected in some areas today.

They added: "Very wet and very windy in most places this morning, with heavy rains, gales and gusty bursts.

"Some localized floods also occur locally, but clearer and less windy weather with rainfall, already in the southwest, will gradually spread across the country.

"Extreme temperatures 8 to 12 ° C. Wetter, windy weather will reach the southwest during the evening."

And Gardai warned of significant delays this morning due to the closure of Dublin harbor due to high winds.

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