Five ways to beat the winter blues: tidy up your phone early and your Christmas decorations sooner


Do you feel tired all the time? Is it dark every time you go out? You do not have the motivation to do anything?

Looks like you have the blues of winter and you are not alone.

    Two million Britons suffer from winter blues each year

Getty – Contributor

Two million Britons suffer from winter blues each year

Two million Britons feel exactly how you feel, but less than a month from Christmas, we have some tips to give you the spirit.

1. exercise

It may be a cliché but it's for a reason.

Get out of the house and breathe fresh air even if it's your last wish – studies show that even walking 15 minutes a day, you release the chemicals you need to put you in a good mood.

2. vitamins

    Lack of natural light during the winter means a lack of vitamin D

Getty – Contributor

Lack of natural light during the winter means a lack of vitamin D

Something so easy to do that many people forget: take your vitamins!

Without prolonged exposure to the sun, we miss our essential dose of vitamin D that makes us happy.

So in the winter, one in five Britons suffers from vitamin D deficiency. So, take your vitamin D tablets to keep that mood.

3. Go out with friends – in real life

    Friends are the perfect cure for winter blues

Getty – Contributor

Friends are the perfect cure for winter blues

Doing something as simple as having a face-to-face discussion with your best friends is enough to leave you a smile.

When you feel weak, you have to mix with people who make you feel good about yourself, which means your friends and family.

The British examine their phone every 12 minutes of the day awake – privileging interaction with social media rather than real human contact, exposing them to the blue light of their phones and disrupting their sleep pattern.

Download the Moment app to make sure that the time you spend on your phone is not bad for your health.

4. atmosphere

    It has been proven that bright, warm colors make you feel more alert and happy

Getty – Contributor

It has been proven that bright, warm colors make you feel more alert and happy

Go crazy and decorate your house with garlands of lights, or even put Christmas decorations in advance.

Color and bright lights have been proven to bring a smile to faces and help maintain the level of alertness – stay away from the dark of your wardrobe and brighten up your desk.

5. Take care of your body and mind

    Exercising and eating well is the key to overcoming the blues of winter

Getty – Contributor

Exercising and eating well is the key to overcoming the blues of winter

It means eating your green vegetables and vegetables and avoiding overly sugary foods that raise and lower your blood sugar and mood.

Try eating slow-release foods like lentils and vegetables that will make you feel good all day long.

Also try meditation and mindfulness to calm and focus your mind.

Retail is not just a lie, we tell ourselves to justify good black Friday deals. Shopping can really help improve the mood – that is, if you buy something you really want.

Make sure your winter blues are not worse – check out our seasonal symptom guide.

Survey reveals more than half of Britons work LESS in winter

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