For Those With Mental Health Problems, Marijuana Can Offer Relief – The University Times


Weed is slowly gaining the world and that's about the moment.

Be it in the form of CBD increasingly popular and non-intoxicating, a natural molecule of cannabis offering a plethora of medical benefits without the tall, sticky green nuggets – the buds we all know and love – the # Grbad finally receives its due appreciation.

Marijuana had, until recently, the outdated reputation of a taboo substance, an illicit substance used not only to bribe young children, but also to pave the way for harder drugs. At age 12, in a mandatory health course, I was shown images of emaciated and unconscious teenagers lying in various places, with horrified and talkative parents overlooking their child's body.


We were supposed to believe that it was the poor boy who had "tried the pot".

Have not we seen how much he finished? Do we not want to spare our parents and ourselves this terrible and irreparable pain? It was the disturbing and overly exaggerated alarming tactics that prevailed when we were fed at a vulnerable age, an age when we greedily swallowed information from those who were supposed to know it, and we were supposed to believe it.

Or we rebelled and did everything in our power to prove them wrong. Well, the objective truth on the subject is that this health teacher was very wrong and that her alarmist speech was less preventive than it was doubtful. Thus, the majority of these enthusiastic 12-year-olds then "tried the pot" and, here, the upset, are all alive to tell the story.

The more specific arguments against the grbad, those that do not include photos of unconscious and unhealthy people, are not sufficiently threatening to justify its current illegal status in most countries. This makes you unproductive, slow and sleepy? The same goes for chicken pie. It's the same with a sugar crash, a hangover or taking a sip of NyQuil.

On the contrary, here are the benefits, beyond vertigo, from the personal point of view of a student who used the substance for recreational and corrective purposes.

Weed clears the mind. It softens the edges of things. Instead of walking in the deep waters, you suddenly feel like you have found the soil beneath you, even if you still have to stand on tiptoe. For those who have the horrible tendency to think too much, to turn unnecessary and unhealthy thoughts into habitual patterns, weed regulates the hyperactive mind. It is the friend who wraps you in warm, fluffy blankets, turns away from excessive introspection and opens the shutters to let the animated bees out of the negative chatter.

For those who have the horrible tendency to think too much, to turn unnecessary and unhealthy thoughts into habitual patterns, weed regulates the hyperactive mind

Many members of my family suffer from depression and anxiety to varying degrees and have treated the symptoms in different ways. My contemporaries have been able to turn to cannabis for a form of self-medication, whether as part of a prescribed psychiatric treatment or alone. And frankly, I'm not sure they would be there without it.

I remember, in the hollow of my worst depressive period, find relief in otherwise unavoidable darkness when the end of a joint hissed and burned and I inhaled slowly, expired after a while and closed my eyes . I paused and listened, really listened, whatever music I played, and temporarily enjoyed things that otherwise had lost their appeal to me. The colors were still beautiful. The stress has evaporated. I felt at peace, amidst the tumultuous discomfort of depression. In fact, aside from THC in marijuana that makes you feel high, the other component of CBD promotes muscle relaxation, stress reduction, and pain relief.

The connotations of "gaining height" seem above all to involve carelessness, contempt for laws, the sense of slowness and disenchantment of the world. Of course, there is a grain of truth in every conventional image of a highly stigmatized practice, but the fact is that marijuana users vary just as much as drinkers. The spectrum is vast and largely gray, with the exception of extreme extremes. If you drink several glbades of wine once a week because it's nice, because having a shot in the head can be fun in moderation, how is it so different for someone? to use weeds in the same way? But the biggest distinction between weeds and alcohol is that there is no registered case of overdose due to the ingestion of marijuana, there is no term for an addict to marijuana (marijuana-holic? This does not even seem correct) because to be addicted to marijuana be emotionally dependent, which is an issue in itself and not, in itself, a threat to the life.

And it would be difficult to name a single health benefit to get drunk on a weekly or monthly basis, aside from the fact that it may be relieving the accumulated stress

And it would be difficult to name a single health benefit to get drunk on a weekly or monthly basis, aside from the fact that it may be relieving the accumulated stress. It's sociable. Again, these benefits are not real for health, which is why so many people like to drink regularly and we consider it to be such a rudimentary part of our lives.

With weed, there is also a sociable aspect. There is the way time pbades like drip molbades, the way unusual things suddenly appear endlessly, and the way certain realities become so obvious. A basic conversation can quickly become profound and revealing. It's fun, like alcohol, less the risk of overdose and the often aggressive nature it can cause in people. In the worst case with grbad, you fall asleep.

Fun, many marijuana users just want some relief. They want to relax and see beauty again, one way or the other.

If the price to pay is a dry mouth and a slow loss of time, so be it. It's time to release the weed.

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