Free Wi-Fi available in several towns and villages in Ireland


Good news.

The European Union has granted funding to introduce free Wi-Fi points in public spaces in Ireland.

The EU is providing local authorities 120 million euros over the next three years under the Wifi4EU program, with local authorities being invited to apply for funding.

The funding, designated by the EU as vouchers worth € 15,000, aims to provide free public Wi-Fi access in city centers, parks, libraries and museums. According to the EU, 150 Irish municipalities have applied for vouchers.

Following this first round of applications, representing a total budget of € 42 million, 2,800 municipalities in the EU will receive € 15,000 vouchers for setting up Wi-Fi access points in public spaces.

Deirdre Clune, Southern MEP from Southern Ireland, said: "Beneficiaries will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.

"Each participating country is guaranteed a minimum of 15 vouchers and can potentially earn a maximum of 224 vouchers.

"Thanks to the voucher, local authorities will be able to create a Wi-Fi access point in public spaces, including town halls, public libraries, museums, public parks or squares."

So, Ireland is guaranteed to get at least 15 vouchers, but could potentially get a lot more.

Networks funded by WiFi4EU will be free, without advertising or collection of personal data.

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