Genetics researchers reverse wrinkles, gray hair and baldness in mice, called "unprecedented"


Science has made mice beautiful by reversing age-related wrinkles and hair loss at the genetic level. The humanity could get a similar makeup in the future.

"Wrinkled skin and hair loss are the hallmarks of aging, and what if they could be reversed?" Asked researchers at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, who seem to have accomplished this feat, according to the research team.

They introduced a specific genetic mutation on a test mouse, which caused a change in apparently deep.In four weeks, the mouse developed a wrinkled skin and when the normal function was restored to the gene by disabling the guilty mutation, the mouse returned to a previous life of smooth skin and luxurious fur only two months later – deemed "indistinguishable" of a healthy mouse of the same age

". To our knowledge, this observation is unprecedented, "said Keshav Singh, a professor of genetics who led the study.

" This mouse model should provide an unprecedented opportunity for the development of preventive development strategies and therapeutic to increase mitochondrial functions for the treatment of skin and hair pathology badociated with aging and other human diseases in which mitochondrial dysfunction plays an important role, "said Mr Singh in a statement [19659005] change in the gene.All showed gray hair, thinning hair and hair loss, plus sluggish movements and lethargy – the changes, the study found, reminiscent of natural aging. females had more severe skin wrinkles than males.

"Dramatically, this hair loss and wrinkled skin could be reversed by disabling the mutation, "said the study. "Wrinkled skin has shown changes similar to those seen in intrinsic and extrinsic aging – intrinsic aging is the natural process of aging, and extrinsic aging is the effect of external factors that affect aging, such as skin wrinkles "

The research was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Veterans Affairs, and was published in Cell Death and Disease, a scholarly journal published by [19659009] Washington Times Commentary Policy

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