Guest Jeremy Kyle died of an overdose after failing the lie detector test revealing cheating


The Jeremy Kyle Show definitely stops airing after a guest who has failed a lie detector and deception test died days after a drug overdose.

Steve Dymond, 63, took the ITV test to convince fiancee Jane Callaghan that he had not been unfaithful, but they broke up after his failure. Buddies fear that Steve commits suicide.

    Steve Dymond, 63, took the Jeremy Kyle Show test to convince fiancee Jane Callaghan that he had not been unfaithful.

Darren Fletcher – The sun

Steve Dymond, 63, took the Jeremy Kyle Show test to convince fiancee Jane Callaghan that he had not been unfaithful.
    Jane Callaghan revealed that Steve had been diagnosed with depression

Darren Fletcher – The sun

Jane Callaghan revealed that Steve had been diagnosed with depression

Jane explained that the couple was separated after the show, in which Jeremy Kyle had revealed to the public that Steve had failed the lie test.

Just before his death, Steve texted Jane to tell him that he could not face life without her. In desperate messages, he wrote, "I can not live without you, I just wanted to come in. I just wanted to say sorry before leaving, my life is not worth living without you."

Were you filming this episode of Jeremy Kyle's show or do you know Mr. Dymond? Send an email to [email protected] or call 0207 782 4368.

The ex-fiancée Jane says that Steve was determined to get past the cameras despite the underlying health issues.

She told Steve that he had even received a letter from his doctor confirming that he was in good health so that he could pbad the test in the series to convince her that he had not been unfaithful.

Jane, who said depression was diagnosed by Steve, added, "He wanted to continue. He was really excited and confident. But it was a whole front and I knew it. He was not good at all.

The future of the famous day show was suspended yesterday after ITV suspended it indefinitely pending an investigation. All previous episodes have also been removed from the on-demand ITV hub.

    Steve is believed to have died just ten days after his appearance in the series

Darren Fletcher – The sun

Steve is believed to have died just ten days after his appearance in the series

Steve was found dead by his owner ten days after his appearance in the series. He is believed to have died from an overdose of medications prescribed for his painful arthritis. His relatives fear that he has committed suicide.

She sobbed yesterday, saying, "I know we separated a week ago, but we've been together for two years. He was always my fiance. I still loved him. Even though he was a pig for me, I still loved him.

"We got engaged on Christmas day 2017. He was crying, love was real. He was the most generous and loving person. He struggled quietly and we did not know it at that time. He misled me, I know he did it. I can not forgive but I just want him alive. "

    Jane and Steve broke up after Jeremy Kyle revealed to the public that Steve had failed the lie test (Jeremy seen here with a lie test from a different guest)


Jane and Steve broke up after Jeremy Kyle revealed to the public that Steve had failed the lie test (Jeremy seen here with a lie test from a different guest)

Despite the failure of the tests, construction machinery operator Steve, of Portsmouth, continued to deny having cheated, insisting that the results had to be inaccurate.

Jane said, "He lied and lied throughout the relationship. I thought he was sleeping with someone else. I dug and discovered that he was a compulsive liar. I shot him.

"But just before our participation in the show, he convinced me not to have cheated. He made all those plans and he was so confident. "

Jane said that she had told him that she was now thinking that he had not cheated – but he insisted, "We continue to participate." She now thinks that he has underlying health problems for a long time.

    Jane congratulated Jeremy Kyle's team for his

Darren Fletcher – The sun

Jane congratulated the team of Jeremy Kyle for his "tenacity to offer him help"

Jane said Steve was diagnosed with depression when their relationship collapsed in February. She added, "He had never been diagnosed with depression before.

"When we separated in February, he went to see a doctor and had antidepressants, but he never took them. It was for my benefit because I said that he needed help.

"When we got back, the doctor said," You look good and happy. "Steve said he was not depressed and said we were trying to solve the problem, then we paid for this letter to go to the show. "

Jane congratulated Jeremy Kyle's team for its follow-up efforts. She added that the entertainment representatives had tried several times to contact Steve, his father, after his appearance.

She said, "They were brilliant. They were there when he needed help. They really persisted in offering him help. Steve liked to be a comedian and he could be very funny. He loved the attention.

Jane now has to wait for a coroner to decide whether Steve intended to kill himself or if he took an accidental overdose. Yesterday she was advised that she was going to receive a package – and think that it could have been sent by Steve and could contain clues about what happened.

She said, "I can not see Steve commit suicide without telling me first. But he always said that he would never like someone else.

"The doctor had prescribed medication for his severe arthritis, but he had stopped taking it in case it touched the lie detector, we did not know it, but he did not want to touch anything in case."

    Steve and Jane had hoped to get married before her alleged infidelity was revealed

Darren Fletcher – The sun

Steve and Jane had hoped to get married before her alleged infidelity was revealed

Steve's owner warned ITV of his death after calling a number that she had found on her phone.

A member of the show team called Jane to announce the news. At first she thought the call was a hoax.

The 55-year-old owner, who gave her name only to Shelley, said Steve was planning to commit suicide shortly after the shooting.

She said that he was "sobbing and panicked" on his return.

She said, "He was traumatized. Steve said that it was pretty naughty in the series. Four days later, he was dead. I really think it's the show that made him rock. "

Shelley also told The Daily Mail: "He was just a mess and he was just humiliated.

"I tried to calm him down and I sent him to bed with a hot drink."

    The future of Jeremy Kyle's popular TV show on ITV is at stake
The future of Jeremy Kyle's popular TV show on ITV is at stake


Every 90 minutes in the UK, a life is lost to suicide.

It does not discriminate or touch the lives of people from all corners of society – from the homeless and unemployed to builders and doctors, to reality stars and footballers.

It is the deadliest of the under-35s, more lethal than cancer and road accidents.

And men are three times more likely to commit suicide than women.

Yet, we rarely talk about it, a taboo that threatens to continue its lethal rage unless we all stop and take note now.

That's why The Sun launched the campaign "You're not alone".

The goal is that by sharing practical advice, raising awareness and eliminating the barriers people face when talking about their mental health, we can all help save lives.

Let us wish to ask for help when we need it, and listen to others … You are not alone.

If you or someone you know needs help dealing with mental health issues, the following organizations will support you:

The Jeremy Kyle Show, which has been in existence for 14 years, is ITV's most highly rated day program. He was shot yesterday in a frenzied redesign after ITV leaders were alerted to Steve's death on Sunday. We understand that Kyle is angry because the bosses shot the show so quickly.

Filming and pre-production on future episodes were stopped during the review. Sources close to Kyle and his team insist that there is no connection between the show and Steve's death. They fear that ITV may use the opportunity to cancel the show and switch from the controversial format to lighter content.

Insiders believe that two recent suicides linked to competitors on Love Island caused ITV to fear a violent reaction. The sequence of Steve and Jane was filmed on Thursday, May 2nd. Jane saw it for the last time four days later.

She said, "When my daughter and I went home after the show, I told her to take her things and leave. He came back the following Monday and wanted to see me.

"He also continued to send me text messages, leaving voice messages. In a text, he said, "I can not live without you. I just wanted to come see you. I just wanted to say sorry before leaving. My life is not worth living without you.

"But he had already said it, he said so many times. It was like crying the wolf. I thought, "I do not want to know Steve, go away." "

His friend Michael Bradley added, "He failed the test but was adamant that he did nothing wrong. We were wrong, but it was not the case. "

ITV said: "Everyone at ITV and Jeremy Kyle Show is shocked and saddened by the announcement of the death of a participant in the show a week after the registration of the Episode in which it is presented. Our thoughts are with their family and friends.

"ITV will not watch the episode in which they played. Given the seriousness of this event, ITV also decided to immediately suspend the filming and broadcast of The Jeremy Kyle Show in order to give it time to review this episode of the series. "

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Jeremy Kyle is indefinitely suspended after the death of his guest shortly after shooting

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