Half a meal a day, less potatoes in new diet tips


At table anywhere from 2050: from porridge to breakfast, rice at lunch, lentil and vegetable dinner and a single hamburger every two weeks, for pleasure.

Here is a snapshot of the daily meal plan that dozens of health and environmental experts urge the world to adopt in order to maintain a world population of ten billion people by mid-century here, while by controlling climate change and preventing millions of premature deaths each year. .

The meat is mostly out

The team behind a historic food study published in The Lancet says consumption of some foods such as meat and sugar must be cut in half by 2050 to reduce the global burden of the three billion human beings who are overfed or undernourished. .

While the richest countries have to reduce their meat consumption considerably, regions such as South Asia are currently experiencing a shortage of calories and protein due to a lack of red meat.

Livestock farming is catastrophic for the environment. It produces 18% of the world's greenhouse gases and contributes to deforestation and water shortages.

Under the new diet, adults would be restricted to 14 g of red meat a day, which is half a spoonful of bacon, and did not consume more than 30 calories.

A quarter-pound burger patty contains about 450 calories and North Americans alone consume more than six times the recommended daily intake of red meat, between 50 and 70 g.

The diet does not recommend more than 29 g of poultry a day, about a chicken nugget and a half and 13 g of eggs, or just 1.5 a week.

More fruits and vegetables

The team said that the consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes such as chickpeas and lentils should more than double, especially in the poorest countries, where more than 800 million people consume less calories.

It takes more whole grain foods such as barley and brown rice, but starchy vegetables such as potatoes and cbadava are limited to 50 g per day.

The authors of the report noted that the ideal diet would vary from region to region, pointing out that their menu was designed to show how everyone could get their 2,500 calories daily, stay healthy and help the planet. .

"Eating less red meat, which is primarily a challenge to changing human behavior, is crucial," Johan Rockstrom, director of the Institute for Impact Impact Research, told AFP. Potsdam.

"But there is less talk of reducing the number of conventional cereals and tubers, and the transition to nuts, fruits, vegetables and beans as the main source of nutrition."

Good news for nut lovers

The authors believe that their diet would improve the consumption of most essential nutrients while significantly reducing the consumption of unhealthy saturated fats.

Sources of healthy fats such as nuts and seeds are stimulated: you can consume up to 75 g of peanuts a day, but these days you will need to reduce your intake of unsaturated fats such as as fatty fish.

In the long run, the new diet could globally prevent up to 11.6 million premature deaths a year, according to its creators.

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