"Hawe was seen driving the car after Clodagh and the boys" – powerful story of Jacqueline Connolly's tragedy


Jacqueline Connolly, Clodagh Hawe's sister, and their mother, Mary Coll
Picture: David Conachy
Jacqueline Connolly, Clodagh Hawe's sister, and their mother, Mary Coll
Picture: David Conachy

Maeve Sheehan

  • "Hawe was seen driving the car after Clodagh and the boys" – powerful story of Jacqueline Connolly's tragedy


    ALAN HAWE was seen driving his car near the school where he was deputy director very early in the morning after the murder of his wife, Clodagh, and their three boys, it was learned from his family.

    https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/news/hawe-was-seen-driving-car-after-clodagh-and-the-boys-jacqueline-connollys-powerful-ount-of-tragedy-37872187. html


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ALAN HAWE was seen driving his car near the school where he was deputy director very early in the morning after the murder of his wife, Clodagh, and their three boys, it was learned from his family.

In a powerful and moving tale, published exclusively in the Sunday Independent of today, Clodagh 's sister, Jacqueline Connolly, reveals for the first time that a local man told her He had seen Hawe and another person drive near the Castlerahan School in Cavan in the early hours of August 29, 2016

Niall, Ryan and Liam Hawe and their mother Clodagh

Niall, Ryan and Liam Hawe and their mother Clodagh

Later that Monday morning, the Hawe family's bodies were discovered in the family home located outside Ballyjamesduff. Alan Hawe had murdered Clodagh and their sons, Liam, 13, Niall, 11, and Ryan, 6, before committing suicide.

Ms Connolly wrote that the neighborhood man had told him that he had made a statement to Gardai about Alan Hawe 's observation. When Clodagh's family asked Gardai if she was pursuing this line of "local witnesses claiming to have seen the murderer driving that morning," she stated that they were accused of interfering with the witnesses.

Ms. Connolly and her mother, Mary Coll, are now looking to verify the reported sighting, which has raised other troubling issues for the family.

Today, in her heartbreaking story, Ms. Connolly asks the following question: "So, after the murder of his wife and his three sons by Alan Hawe, he left the house to go to his place." work, the school Castlerahan, where he was deputy director, perhaps to destroy evidence? "

  • Read Jacqueline Connolly's account in Sunday Independent

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