"He can not survive the ISP" – Niall Quinn asks the League of Ireland to separate from Abbottstown


Niall Quinn
Niall Quinn

Independent.ie Newsdesk

  • "He can not survive the ISP" – Niall Quinn asks the League of Ireland to separate from Abbottstown


    The former International Republic of Ireland Niall Quinn believes that the Irish League must separate from the FAI and that it would be ready to work for a new organization.

    https://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/league-of-ireland/it-survive-court-own-the-fai-niall-quinn-calls-for-the-league-of-ireland-to- break-Abbottstown-37573744.html


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The former International Republic of Ireland Niall Quinn believes that the Irish League must separate from the FAI and that it would be ready to work for a new organization.

The former president of Sunderland believes that clubs here must take charge of their own destiny in order to give players a realistic chance to do their craft here and to get involved in the international setup.

Quinn supports the succession plan put in place that provides for Stephen Kenny to replace Mick McCarthy in 2020, even though he thought that setting a date was "strange", and he is happy that there is more connection between the miners' structures and the main roles.

But he believes that this must be built on a strong Irish League.

"The basis for this requires a strong, academically-supported, league-led policy and professional organization in this country that is unfortunately neglected," he told Virgin Media Sport.

"We must respect the League of Ireland and ensure that our players here are ambitious to go through the League of Ireland to get into the Irish configuration and not to run away on the boat and continue their career." and done with before you even grew up in a man ".

To achieve this, Quinn believes that the league must exist separately from the national governing body.

"We need better courses at all levels of football and we need a serious investment to do this," he added.

"I do not blame the ISP for not attracting this investment, what I say is that our thinking must be more like this … At the highest level, there seems to be a plan In the game, we need to determine what are the best ways to try to invest in the game.

"The league must do like any other league in the world, defend itself, promote itself, market itself, bringing money back from all over the world if it can, set up an office in Dublin with people who are the owners of the league. League, make the league bigger and better, it can not survive owned by the FAI or even half owned by the FAI.

"They should not have anything to do with that in my opinion."

Niall Quinn believes that the League of Ireland must withdraw from the FAI and create its own office.

Would he be tempted to work there?

"For the league, yes, but not for the FAI, there is too much politics for me."#VMSport pic.twitter.com/OLxVHpdzas

– Virgin Media Sport (@VMSportIE) November 27, 2018

Would he be tempted to work there?

"For the league, yes, but not for the FAI, there is too much politics for me."

Brian Kerr was asked if he would work for a newly formed league. He said: "I would consider any role in football in this country if it was offered to me but it is not the case since 2005".

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