HEALTH: An exciting breakthrough in the treatment of breast cancer


Q I am 53 years old and I have just been diagnosed with bad cancer. I've heard that there is a new test to determine if I need chemotherapy. How does it work and is it still available?

A A groundbreaking clinical trial funded by the National Cancer Institute of the United States confirmed that most women with early-stage bad cancer can avoid chemotherapy. , which helps to determine the treatment. About 70% of women diagnosed will only be recommended for surgery, hormone therapy (eg, tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors to block estrogen) and radiation therapy.

  Thousands of women should avoid chemotherapy to predict the recurrence and potential benefits of much simpler and safer chemotherapy

  Thousands of women should be able to avoid chemotherapy because genomic profiling has made recurrence and benefits simpler and safer chemotherapy potentials

be able to avoid chemotherapy because genomic profiling has predicted the recurrence and potential benefits of chemotherapy much simpler and safer

"Chemotherapy has serious side effects that can sometimes be permanent and, in very rare cases, fatal. Liz O 'Riordan and Professor Trisha Greenhalgh, authors of The Complete Guide to Breast Cancer (Vermilion, £ 14.99 *, forthcoming in September), both of whom received chemotherapy in part of a treatment for bad cancer. "Your doctor should weigh the benefits – by reducing your chances of developing, and possibly dying from, secondary bad cancer – against these risks," they say.

Genomics vs. Genetics

Genomics and Genetics are related but focus on different information; genetics help predict cancer risk while genomics help determine treatment after diagnosis

Now, many thousands of women should avoid chemotherapy because genomic profiling has made recurrence and the potential benefits of chemotherapy simpler and safer. The Oncotype DX test, used in the NHS, badyzes bad tissue taken during surgery to see how a group of 21 genes affects the way a cancer is likely to behave and respond to treatment

TAILORx) evaluated 10,273 women in six countries using the Oncotype DX test, then followed them for nine years. The results showed no benefit from chemotherapy in 70% of women with early-stage bad cancer. In the UK, this type of cancer, clbadified as a positive hormone receptor, HER2 negative and ganglionic, affects about 23,000 of the 55,000 women diagnosed each year.

The test gives a score of one to 100, depending on the risk of cancer return. The low risk is noted from 0 to 10, the intermediate level is 11 to 25 and the high level is 26 and above. Earlier trials, including a British study conducted by experts at South Manchester University Hospital Center, had indicated the need to recommend chemotherapy and hormone therapy for women at high risk (yes) and at low risk ( no). Importantly, TAILORx showed that most women with an intermediate risk score did not benefit from chemotherapy. Women under 50 can however have a small benefit and it is advisable to discuss it with their doctor.

The Oncotype DX test is approved by NICE (National Institute of Excellence for Health and Care) and is usually available to women for chemotherapy, based on their individual tumor details. Other patients may be able to pay for the test privately, for around £ 2,000 to £ 3,000.

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