Hypertension: control your blood pressure by adding three essential minerals to your diet


High blood pressure affects more than a quarter of Britons, although many do not know that it has it, as it usually has no symptoms. If you have high blood pressure, it is important to know that if it is not controlled properly, it can lead to serious health problems, such as heart attacks and strokes. High blood pressure can be controlled by eating a balanced diet low in salt and saturated fats, but some foods can also help maintain a healthy blood pressure. Experts recommend three special minerals to control blood pressure: potbadium, magnesium and calcium.


Potbadium can help control blood pressure in two ways: by controlling the balance of fluids in the body, and by facilitating muscle function.

Potbadium works with the kidneys to remove excess salt from the body as well as excess fluid. The kidneys filter the blood and store excess fluid in the bladder as urine.

It helps blood pressure because the more fluid in the body, the higher your blood pressure.

"This process uses a delicate balance of sodium and potbadium to extract water from a wall of cells from the bloodstream to a collection channel leading to the bladder," said Blood Pressure UK.

Salt intake increases the amount of sodium in the blood, which destroys the balance, reducing the kidneys' ability to eliminate water.

But consuming more potbadium will increase the levels of minerals in the body, which will help restore balance.

Potbadium also improves muscle function by relaxing the walls of blood vessels, helping to lower blood pressure and protecting against muscle cramps.

Potbadium is found in foods such as bananas, broccoli, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, legumes, nuts and seeds, fish, beef, chicken and turkey.


According to Harvard Health, magnesium helps regulate hundreds of body systems including blood pressure, muscle and nerve function.

"We need magnesium to help blood vessels relax and for energy production, bone development and the transport of calcium and potbadium," said Harvard Health.

Green leafy vegetables, nuts, brown rice, bread, fish, meat and dairy products are good sources of magnesium.


Harvard Health also notes that calcium is important for healthy blood pressure because it helps the blood vessels to tighten and relax when they need it.

According to the NHS, calcium is essential to ensure blood clotting and to regulate muscle contractions, including heart rate.

Calcium is usually found in dairy products, although high-fat dairy products may contain a lot of saturated fat. So choose low-fat alternatives.

Other sources of calcium include green leafy vegetables, soy beans, tofu, nuts, bread and fish where you eat bones – like sardines and pilchards.

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