"I just do not want this to happen to another girl" – investigating a complaint about a woman who was disclosed after the medical abortion


Health Minister Simon Harris. Image: Arthur Carron
Health Minister Simon Harris. Image: Arthur Carron
  • "I just do not want this to happen to another girl" – investigating a complaint about a woman who was disclosed after the medical abortion


    An investigation is ongoing into allegations that a patient's information was disclosed after an abortion at a Dublin hospital.

    https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/health/i-just-dont-want-this-to-happen-tome-other-gome-other-girl-probe-into-claim-womans-details- were-leaked after medical abortion-37772283.html


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An investigation is ongoing into allegations that a patient's information was disclosed after an abortion at a Dublin hospital.

Health Minister Simon Harris has expressed concern over allegations made in a social media article posted online. A message posted on Twitter claimed that a woman who had undergone a medical abortion in a Dublin hospital had been contacted a few days later, asking her to "book a scan again".

The person who contacted her used a phone number badociated with an unauthorized abortion counseling service and an anonymous Twitter account. The message states that after undergoing medical abortion, she underwent internal badysis and was sent home after being informed that no further badysis was required.

While the woman was recovering, she received a phone call from a man who was unknown to her and asked her to "book again" a scan. It is claimed that this man had his personal details, including his name and address.

She later received a text message asking her to go to a clinic in Dublin. The woman said she then contacted the hospital, who had confirmed she was not aware of the phone call and was not looking for her to "resume" a scan.

The woman says that she phoned the person who sent her the text. After claiming that he belonged to My Options, he began shouting insults at the woman and told her that she was "disgusting" to have aborted and asked her if she was at home. current risk of dismissal.

The woman said that she wanted to share the message to raise awareness because she was "scared".

Addressing the Irish Independent, this woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, said the incident had left her "emotionally exhausted".

However, she does not regret having broadcast her story on social media. "I am happy to raise awareness," she said.

"I just do not want it to happen to another girl, I did not think it would go that far, but I'm glad that's the case."

A spokeswoman for Mr. Harris said the Minister of Health was concerned about the allegations.

"He asked the HSE to investigate the alleged violation of patient information," she said.

"The minister has made it clear that abortion services should be considered a standard part of the health service and that women who have access to them should not be subjected to intimidation or harbadment."

The HSE told the Irish Independent that the body takes very seriously any potential breach of confidential patient data and establishes the facts surrounding this incident.

A spokesperson for the National Maternity Hospital said that any alleged breach of confidentiality was still being investigated "urgently, together with" other organizations that may have access to the information concerning the patient.

Alison Begas of the Dublin Well Woman Center said that following allegations, the organization had asked a computer support company to perform a full scan of its systems.

"We are absolutely confident that no data breach has occurred on our part," she said.

Information on unplanned pregnancy counseling services funded by HSE is available at myoptions.com or by calling 1800 828 010.

Independent Irish

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