Iarnród Éireann starts the external recruitment of drivers


Iarnród Éireann launches his first external recruitment process for train drivers.

The company is looking for 100 drivers over four years and says it wants to recruit women.

In Iarnród Éireann, there are only four train drivers out of a total of 500 women.

The salaries of drivers start at € 45,000 and reach € 57,000 over a period of ten years.

It states that applicants must meet the requirements of the European train driver's license, with a minimum of nine years of full-time studies and must be over the age of 20 years.

The application process will involve several steps, the company said.

Successful applicants will then complete a 32-week training program.

A spokeswoman for Iarnród Éireann denied the existence of a bias against women within the company.

Speaking at RTE's Morning Ireland show, Jane Cregan said they had been trying "very hard" to internally recruit women for driving and creating workstations.

Ms. Cregan said she recently recruited apprentice craftsmen.

"It's something we really want to develop within our company, but unfortunately, few women ask to take on these roles," she said.

Ms. Cregan added that the company was looking for external drivers for the first time due to expansion plans and retirements.

She said that driving a train is a difficult and responsible job, and can be a lonely one.

Gillian Clarke, one of four female train drivers working for Iarnród Éireann, said she had started working for the company's customer service and had then progressed to become a driver.

"There are a lot of things you need to stay focused on – how big are you driving, the weather conditions that day – because they all play a role in the performance and performance of the train," he said. she said. .

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