Improve your health … and help save $ 130 billion


To your health
July 2018 (Vol 12, Number 07)

By editorial team

This is a simple correlation proven by research: if your blood pressure goes up, your health care costs also increase. According to a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association the annual health care costs for American adults with hypertension can be over $ 1,900 over costs adults without elevated BP. Extrapolated from the individual to the population, it is over 130 billion – yes, we said billion – in additional health expenditure attributable to high blood pressure.

Even more disturbing, this 12-year study relied on the "old" definition of hypertension (140/90), not on the 2017 definition (130/80). In other words, if the same study was conducted as early as today and if we used the updated definition of high BP, a greater number of Americans would probably suffer from it. hypertension, which would only add to the burden of health care. By "burden", we are talking not only about the financial burden of additional health care costs, individually and nationally, but also the burden of ill health, disease … and n & # 39; let's not forget the over-medication resulting from high BP. [19659004] cost of health care – Copyright – Photo / Register "/>

The study clearly shed light on this multifaceted burden, finding that adults with high blood pressure had not only 2.5 times the costs of hospital care and almost twice the outpatient costs, but also the cost of Prescription drugs is almost three times higher than that of adults without elevated BP.

Keeping your blood pressure down is reducing your health care costs outright. Oh, and it also keeps you a lot healthier than when he's high. Talk to your doctor for more information about the dangers of high BP and how to keep your blood pressure within the safety range.

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