In China, Infamous Scandal Vaccine Parents and Tests Government


BEIJING – Chinese parents were in a uproar on Monday amid reports that hundreds of children were injected with faulty vaccines, the latest scandal to hit the nation's troubled drug industry.

The outcry came after an investigation by China, Changchun Changsheng, China, Changchun, China, China, China, China, China are ordinary people at risk. It has also been undermined by President Xi Jinping's efforts to restore confidence in medicine.

While there were no reports of deaths or diseases related to vaccine deficiencies, Many parents were outraged and asked that the government take action.

"We always say that kids are the nation's future, but if we can not ensure the safety of such a future, what does the future hold for us?" Huo Xiaoling, 37, who works in marketing in China and has a 1-year-old daughter who received a vaccine made by Changchun Changsheng.

The scandal has shaken public confidence in the government and led to an unusually fierce outpouring of criticism online.

The government struggled to contain anger over the scandal, the third such crisis involving vaccines since 2010. As of Monday afternoon, a hashtag about the scandal had received tens of millet lions of views on Weibo, a popular social media platform.

First Li Keqiang said in a statement on Sunday that the actions of the producers of vaccine "crossed a moral line." He vowed to "resolutely crack down on all illegal and criminal

One image circulating online showed a screenshot of Mr. Li scandal in 2016, proposing the government had done nothing to address the problem

"I hope they do not bitterly disappoint the people again," one Weibo user wrote.

Changchun Changsheng, the company at the center of the scandal, also came under attack. Some of the internet users said executives at the company

"One shot destroys one life," one person wrote.

As reports circulated on social media showing that other vaccines produced by The company, including for diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, may also be affected, many parents rushed to locate their children's immunization records.

Public health officials worry that the scandal may prompt Chinese families to opt out of vaccinations, even though they are required by law.

Zhang Zhiqian, 32, said his 3-year-old daughter had been given vaccines made by Changchun Changsheng in 2015. He said He said, "I do not believe in their internal top-down investigation," he said. "

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