India declares the end of the Nipah epidemic with a video clip


India took its first steps with the virus in May, when three people died. Health officials moved quickly to identify and quarantine anyone who might have had contact with them.

A total of 19 people were infected; the last two people infected but recovered were released from the hospital last month.

"We are in a festive mood," said Rajeev Sadanandan, chief secretary of the Department of Family Health and Welfare

. These celebrations were accompanied by a video clip broadcast by a group of local artists [19659005] The video was shot over three days, and all the artists provided their services for free, said the director of the video , who calls Regilesh Star Voice. 19659003] "During the period of the Nipah virus, a majority of the local population felt lonely and everyone was scared. We made this video clip dedicated to the public to show how proud we are of facing this crisis, "he said.

The video shows locals who enjoy their daily lives, shopping malls and markets, a marked change from the moderate situation of the last two months. Girls dance in the streets, and older men sit and chat in restaurants.

  The death toll in Nipah rises to 16, but the end of the epidemic could be close to

The first pbadage of the Nipah virus in Kerala occurred when the patient's brother was hospitalized on May 16 in Kozhikode, a town in northern Kerala. The treating neurologist, Dr. Jayakrishnan Chellenton, became suspicious after noticing the patient's hypertension and realized that his brother had died after experiencing similar symptoms, and expressed his concerns to the team. neurology

. of encephalitis – inflammation of the brain – who come to meet them.

The team immediately sent samples to a virology laboratory in Manipal, about 300 kilometers (186 miles). "We felt we are seeing something that is not commonly seen," Chellenton said.

Chellenton, who likes to read books and medical articles during his free time, remembers an article he had read a week ago, detailing the different cases of encephalitis in India and Pbadively mentioning the Nipah virus

. Nipah can cause a range of symptoms, including fever, headache, confusion and disorientation. More serious symptoms include acute respiratory syndrome, in which the lungs can not get enough oxygen for the body, and lethal encephalitis.

People can have the virus in contact with bats, pigs or infected humans. about the deadly Nipah virus "data-src-mini =" // "data-src -xsmall = "//" data-src-small = "http: // cdn / cnnnext / dam / badets / 180521105409-01-nipah-virus-india-0521-large-169.jpg "data-src-medium =" // 180521105409-01-nipah-virus-india-0521-ex-large-169.jpg "data-src-large =" // -super-169.jpg "data-src-full16x9 =" // "data-src- mini1x1 = "//" data-demand-load = "not-loaded" data-eq- pts = "mini: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, large: 781" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhEAAJAJEAAAAAAP /////// wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKlI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7" />

The Virologist Dr. Arunkumar Govindakarnavar of the Manipal Virus Research Center was the first to evaluate Kerala .

His laboratory was equipped to test the Nipah virus in August by the National Center for Disease Control as part of the World Health Security Program .

While the samples were being tested, Chellenton and his team at the hospital began to review and catalog the symptoms. "By the process of exclusion, it was the only virus that could satisfy the symptoms of patients," he said.

The next day, even though they were convinced that they were dealing with the Nipah virus, and that they were quarantining the patient, two other victims were admitted.

Govindakarnavar unofficially confirmed the Nipah virus and pbaded the samples for further tests. "This was the key to success: within 12 hours of sending samples to the lab, we diagnosed the key to containment."

With the foresight of the 39, Chellenton team and the rapid isolation of patients, one to the hospital was infected.

A nurse from another hospital, Lini Puthussery, contracted the virus taking care of patients and died

"This experience taught us to be more careful when dealing with patients." In 1965, the Chellenton Hospital received five patients infected with the virus, and none of them survived. [ad_2]
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