Inside the faultless Garda investigating that cracked Ana Kriegel murder case


The Kriegel's killer starts gliding between the child suspects.

In May, 2018 in a carpark in St. Catherine's Park, two guardian sergeants, Aonghus Hussey, and John Dunne had arranged for a boy to visit the scene.

From the earliest moments of the probe have been determined that Boy B, at least, was the last to see her alive.

Boy B told him that he was the one who was called to meet him.

The day after, a mbadive search operation swung into action, the mind wanted to grab information from the kids.

Sergeant Aonghus Hussey

Ana Kriegel

When parents went to the station, they wanted to go back to their parents.

There they put the night away coming on duty shortly after 9pm.

Garda Conor Muldoon and his colleague Garda Eoin Kelly were the crew on duty on May 14.

They, along with Sergeant Dunne, took care of the family.

The Kriegel family said that a young school mate of Ana's had called to the house. That boy was then identified by another boy in the house, as Boy B.

The Kriegel family is a Boy B's home was found.

Garda Muldoon and Kelly, in their patrol because, carried out searches of the area. They then called to the boy B.

Ana Kriegel

Boy B's mother at the door and spotted Boy B almost hiding behind her.

He told them that at the door of the house, after 11pm at night, that he went to the park with Ana.

From the outset the gardai were going through the protocols for a missing child.

There was another troubled boy who had a previous relationship with him.

Garda Kelly and Sgt Dunne made an application to "ping" the last location of Ana's phone.

This was an application to a phone provider that could have been answered by Ana's mobile phone.

Glenwood House, Clonee Road, Laraghcan, Lucan – where Ana Kriegel's body was found – teenaged boys were found guilty of her murder

Ana Kriegel's parents Patric and Geraldine pictured outside the day two boys were found guilty of murdering the schoolgirl

Ultimately that would lead them to the Saint Catherine's Park area of ​​Lucan where Ana and Boy B walked towards.

The next day was the time when that look between Boy A and Boy B caused the mind to wonder what was behind it.

They got Boy A and Boy B to make statements in a local garda station and cross referenced their stories.

The trial had heard that there were differences between the two boys – holes in their stories.

It was enough to be kept safe, that the two boys were at least involved in the disappearance.

In the car park in Saint Catherine 's Park – as Sergeant Aonghus Hussey and Sgt Dunne spoke to the boys the signs were there.

Ana Kriegel in the black top she was wearing when she was found dead

Garda at the scene at Clonee Road, Lucan

Sgt Hussey said that he had been a boy limping and carrying his arm.

The garda search teams focused their searches around the general Saint Catherine's Park. After a public appeal a number of sightings came through.

One of those was in Dundrum Town Center and another in Dublin Airport departures – none of them were confirmed.

At that point Ana's naked and lifeless body was lying in the derelict murder scene just a few hundred meters from where she was last seen.

Garda Seamus Timmons, has a CCTV stationed at Lucan Garda Station, and a team of other custodians.

Garda Seamus Timmons

This trawl of CCTV established that Ana Kriegel was spotted in the company of Boy B moving from her home to St. Catherine's Park just moments before she was killed.

There was also CCTV footage of Boy A, in a black hoody with a back pack containing his murder kit, walking after the murder.

Boy has been attacked by two men in the park – this CCTV has been helped to disprove this.

A witness appealed to a number of other witnesses – their statements set the scene further.

Lucan and Leixlip are all in the fields of Lucan and Leixlip.

In the mid afternoon, in sunshine blazing summer, on a vacant house Lucan Village.

Glenwood House, Laraghcon, Clonee Road in Lucan. Schoolgirl, Ana Kriegel's body was discovered in the house

It was just off the Clone Road and a few hundred yards from the giant St Catherine's Park.

The house was moved into the house of the deceased, dank and rubbish strewn house they found Ana's battered body.

A forensic team from the Garda Technical office – they took samples from Ana's body and the scene. Forensic experts stayed on their shift to urgently get DNA samples.

One of the samples was male semen on her neck.

Detective Inspector Mark O'Neill. Detective Inspector Mark O'Neill.

DI Mark O'Neill (second from right) and gardai at the scene at Clonee Road, Lucan where Ana Kriegel's body was found

They searched their homes and found evidence of a murder kit in their bag – his parents innocently washed a boy's clothes but there were traces of Ana's blood found on his runners.

He appointed an interview team. Two of those interviewers were Don Daly and his colleague Damien Gannon.

Detective Garda Donal Daly, interviewing Garda in the Kriegel murder case

Inspector Damien Gannon, interviewing Garda in the Ana Kriegel murder case

They interviewed Boy B and after several interviews they finally convinced the killer to tell the truth.

He admitted he was lying and they succeeded in smashing their story.

They felt their way to the Director of Public Prosecutions, and they had a great deal of responsibility.

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