Irish weather forecast: Met Eireann confirms "likely" Orange Status warning as Diana storm approaches


A Status Orange weather alert should be issued in much of Ireland as Diana storm approaching the west coast approaches.

A spokesman for Met Eireann confirmed to the Irish Mirror that an orange alert could be issued on Tuesday.

A wind warning for 16 counties, issued Monday morning, is in place until 3 pm. While 13 of these counties have received a Status Yellow rain warning that is valid until 2 pm on Tuesday.

This blast of gale force winds and heavy rains is expected to abate by dusk. However, "disturbed" weather conditions will accelerate during the night.

Met Eireann issued two weather warnings Status Yellow

The spokesman said: "We are currently facing extreme weather conditions, with high winds and heavy rains, and there is a risk of flooding in many areas.

"It will clear slightly tonight but there will be more uncertain weather during the night with more warnings that can be issued."

"A Status Orange weather alert will likely be issued, as disturbed weather conditions are forecast for Wednesday.

"Storm Diana will be heading west and this will certainly strengthen the rain, Diana will increase wind speed and heavy rains in the west."

Met Eireann forecasters will meet this afternoon with other weather warnings that may be issued.

Weather warnings have been put in place

Wind speeds of up to 110 km / h should be recorded on Tuesday, but it is thought that they could be even stronger on Wednesday.

Tuesday's warning said: "Wind warning for Munster, Dublin, Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford, Wicklow, Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Mayo and Sligo.

"UPDATE: The southeast winds will strengthen on Tuesday morning with average speeds of 55 to 65 km / h and gusts of 90 to 110 km / h.

"The strongest winds along exposed coastlines, where some stronger gusts are possible."

Tuesday's rain warning said: "Rain warning for Munster, Dublin, Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford, Wicklow, Galway and Mayo.

Ireland will be hit by heavy rain and high winds

"Heavy rains later tonight and for a certain day Tuesday, a 20-30 mm fall is expected over a short period, which will lead to flooding on the surface, higher totals are expected in the mountainous areas."

Wednesday's temperatures may reach 15 ° C in parts of Ireland, but it will be an extremely wet and windy day.

The national forecaster said: "Wednesday will be a very windy day with strong and violent winds and very windy winds, turning southeast to the southwest.

"Some heavy rain or showers sometimes, especially in the north and west." Mild, maximum temperatures of 13 to 15 ° C.

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