Jamie Dornan of The Fall "loved" playing another "dark" character in Death and Nightingales


Jamie Dornan has played a good number of dark characters over the course of his career, and it seems that he does not get tired at all.

In fact, the actor admitted that he "enjoyed" the opportunity to play another threatening role as Liam Ward in the new BBC series Death and Nightingaleswhere it meets The fall writer Allan Cubitt.

"Allan has a great ability to bring out the most intriguing aspects of a character," says Fifty shades the actor told a Q & A. "There are a lot of things difficult to settle at Liam and you have a lot of questions – I like to play characters like that.

Death and Nightingales Trailer


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"If they show kindness or kindness to the screen or the page, should we believe that it is sincere or is there anything behind that? J & # 39, like the idea of ​​playing this.

"And there is so much of that in Liam, and the handling, the darkness that he possesses is something that I savor, and I think a lot of actors are savoring … The way he was carved looked like the one I wanted it to be … "

Earlier this month, we had a first look at the new BBC series, adapted from the 1992 McCabe novel.

The story follows Beth Winters (Ann Skelly) who, on her 25th birthday, decides to join the charming Liam Ward (Dornan) and flee her difficult life with her stepfather, Protestant landowner Billy (Matthew Rhys) .

Death and Nightingales begins Wednesday, November 28 at 9 pm on BBC Two.

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