Leonardo da Vinci may have left Mona Lisa unfinished due to a "claw hand" | News from the United Kingdom


Leonardo da Vinci may have been unable to finish the Mona Lisa because of a "claw" hand that prevented him from holding a brush, according to a new study.

According to a study published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, a portrait of the Italian Renaissance artist shows his right hand wrapped in a garment as a bandage and "suspended in a contracted and stiff position".

It is thought that an episode of severe fainting caused the injury.

Although Da Vinci drew with the left hand, the researchers said that he had painted from the right and that they thought his injury might have forced him to leave many works incomplete. .

Pic: Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
The right hand of Da Vinci in the portraits show is packed. Pic: Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

It has already been suggested that the artist suffered a stroke during the last stages of his career, which weakened the right side of his body.

While biographical evidence and paintings of the artist seem to confirm that he has developed a condition "that affects his ability to hold palettes and brushes to paint with his right hand," the researchers said that A stroke was not a probable cause.

Dr. Davide Lazzeri, co-author, a specialist in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery at the Villa Salaria Clinic in Rome, said: "Rather than describing the typical tight hand of muscle spasticity post-stroke, this image suggests a diagnosis alternative tel, commonly known as "claw hand".

He suggested that a syncope, or an episode of fainting, could have caused trauma to da Vinci's right arm.

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The Mona Lisa was painted between 1503 and 1519

The ulnar nerve extends from the shoulder to the finger and manages the complex movements of the hand.

"That could explain why he left many incomplete paintings, including Mona Lisa's, in the last five years of his painting career, while continuing to teach and draw," said Dr. Lazzeri.

The Mona Lisa was painted between 1503 and 1519, the year of da Vinci's death.

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