Look: Marseille marks one of the worst goals you've ever seen


Tiki taka went wrong. Luis Gustavo, of Marseille, scored one of the worst goals in his history, doubling the lead of Frankfurt.

The French had clearly been instructed to get it out of their own bottom line, trying to do so despite the high pressure of their German opponents.

The former midfielder Bayern Munich received the ball in front of his own surface. With three opponents putting him under pressure, he tries to return to the goal Marseille. This is despite the fact that the goalkeeper had advanced to the edge of the penalty area.

The hilarity ensues.

Gustavo had the ball for more than three seconds and faced his own goal all the time. The fact that he did not notice that his goalkeeper was not there is disconcerting, but you can rest badured that he will double check next time.

To make matters worse for the French, they would score another goal later in the game. At least this one was inside the box.

Not a good night at the office.

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