Lyme Disease Center – WicklowNews


MEP Sinn Féin, Liadh Ní Riada, welcomed the opening of the first Lyme disease resource center in Ireland.

The MEP from Southern Ireland was speaking at the launch of the Lyme Resource Center, which will be housed at the Catherine McCauley Hospital and Research Center of Mater Hospital.

The purpose of the center will be to advance the understanding of tick-borne infections in Ireland, north and south, and in the European Union as a whole.

"I am delighted to see the opening of this dedicated and much needed facility," she said.

"Although Lyme disease is the most common zoonotic disease in Europe and the number of people affected by it is increasing rapidly, many things are poorly understood, even within the medical community.

"Even the basic clbadification of the disease is a matter of contention, the HSE and the HSPC clbadify it as a skin disease, but more recent research describing it as a multi-organ inflammatory disorder or an autoimmune disorder.

"Lyme disease can have a terribly debilitating effect on people, and I've been working for some time with advocacy groups to educate the public about its dangers and the simple steps individuals and government can take to limit its exposure." spread.

"In September, I raised the issue in the European Parliament and recommended that Member States work together to share best practices in the fight against the disease and to raise public awareness of the issue.

"I have the utmost confidence in Dr. Jack Lambert, who will lead the new center and hope it will be the beginning of the end of Lyme disease in Ireland."

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