M meningococcus confirmed as a strain behind the death of adolescent Hobart



July 23, 2018 12:11:37

This month, the Tasmanian teenager who died of meningococcal disease had the W strain of the bacteria, according to health authorities.

Mark Veitch, director of public health, said a 20-year-old man hospitalized but released, was infected with strain B – confirming that the cases were unrelated.

The funeral of 16-year-old Sarah Beltz took place on Friday

. In a statement, Dr. Veitch said the tensions of the two recent cases were reported to the public health services last week.

"After consultation with the families of the two cases, it was decided that out of respect for the 16-year-old girl's family, information about the serotype would not be published in the days immediately following her funeral" . .

"As his death remains before the coroner, it is not appropriate to make further comments on his case."

Dr. Veitch stated that both cases were the first cases of each strain of meningococcal disease in Tasmania this year. 19659003] "In the ten years from 2009 to 2018, Tasmania has experienced an average of six cases of meningococcal disease a year," he said: "On average, there are fewer than three cases of meningococcal B and less than two W disease meningococcal case every year in Tasmania. "

Dr. Veitch said that a baby also remained at Royal Hobart Hospital in a stable but satisfactory condition with meningococcal disease.

"The serogroup tests have not been completed for this case," he said.


meningococcal disease

Hobart 7000


July 23, 2018 12:04:54

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