Mails: hideous Fellaini, terrified Shaw, Matic WTF?


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We must talk about Jose Mourinho
What's up with him? Brilliant water bottles after winning 1-0 at home against the mighty Young Boys. Until where did he fall?

On the other hand, he has no tactical idea of ​​how to turn this set of players into any system.

No joy, no life in this team.

Fellaini> Lukaku
What about when Fellaini does Lukaku's job better than Lukaku? …
Ben (we have at least Leeds in Australia) Gleeson

… So the only goal that allowed us to score our only home European goal so far this season was against the Young Boys at the very last minute of the match. It took a long, hopeful Shaw ball, a Lukaku set-up and a hit. hope drawn from Fellaini. Oh the irony.

Bravo, congratulations boys, the season is going to be long … also Jose, calculate your best XI for the love of God, stay in the club long enough to understand that …
Rami, London

Looking at this Man United side
I just finished watching the game Utd v Young Boys and I feel like I have more questions than answers … how is this possible?

Going through the main players, Valencia was awful! I have never been his biggest fan and tonight showed exactly why! Poor defensively and offered nothing in attack!

Jones has done well tonight and his best defender is based only on tonight's performances.

Smalling has gone well, but looks so rushed and panicked all the time!

Shaw looks terrified of attacking! He was still in attack position but as soon as the ball had reached him, he made a simple pbad! Why on earth does not attack at the back?

Fellaini was rather awful outside of the goal, it's a useful weapon but nothing more.

Fred probably has his best game for us but that's not too much to say! At least he tried!

Matic wtf? !! Seriously, how does he play every minute! I sincerely think that it is perhaps him that harms the whole team! Its shape is absolutely horrible and it offers absolutely nothing in defense or attack!

Martial turns to his worst, without confidence and constantly gives the ball

Lingard has continued its momentum and should be far from the first team atm!

Rashford has missed a babysitter, cut everything and looks at each frustrated child like a frustrated kid trying to make his way.

The submarines were just as terrible, they are not even worth commenting because they were so dull!

While the match was spinning at 80 minutes, I was sitting there waiting for the urgency to appear .. that was not the case! Pogba is walked past left and right, then back. Come play at home, with a sub-standard team having a chance to qualify for the round of 16!

Personally, I blame the players and the manager!

Mourinho obviously does not understand his ideas and, instead of motivating players, he scares them! So many of them are terrified of losing the ball that they play rather cautiously! This will never give positive results and will only cause the revolt of the fans!

The players must be stronger, they all look so frail! I was so convinced that Young Boys would score and Utd would collapse as they did against Sevilla!

I think it's time to cut ties with Mourinho, if I behaved as badly as he did in my job, I'd be fired, so go ahead Utd! But I also think that Utd needs a mbadive redesign!

The dead wood must be removed (Young, Valencia, Rojo, Smalling (if limited), Jones (if injured), Darmian, Matic, Sanchez, Mata and even Pogba who is a big bloody troublemaker) and the young players must be promoted (fosu mensah, cheit) and some good players bought (steel in the middle of the pitch and defense with a pivot, a f # @ right winger and a right in both directions).

There are great young players at Utd who need to be fed, but at this rate, none of them will realize its potential because of other factors!

… another diabolical 90 minutes, saved by another late goal. This pattern could probably last forever, is not it? And this thought is more depressing than the game itself.
Harry B

Newcastle's result was significant
I think that Alex has a good point on United. However, I feel that it was necessary to clarify the result of Newcastle.

The result in Newcastle was not significant because United won, but because of the way it was won and the deplorable situation of the team a few weeks ago.

Everyone thought that the team had stopped playing for the manager, that Mourinho could not make them return to a perilous position or that he had completely lost the locker room. That does not mean that Mourinho's relationship with the team is all rosy, but it showed that he could inspire the return of a desperate pit, especially given United's poverty during the first ten minutes of this match and the previous few weeks. It has prolonged the life of Mourinho's job and we can see on his face that it was really important.

I did not try to say that Mourinho had bought himself or anything when United had found himself in this situation, but it showed a spark of life that the company was not in. team was not dead – and they really looked more or less dead in recent weeks. Contradictory from the point of view of performances, a thrilling return to attack by the second half of the match, 2-2 in the second half will always give a moral boost to the players and fans more than a boring 1-0 victory. would never do it and despite being against a very high performing team itself, it was so bad that it was so low that it did not seem to matter.

So, although I agree with Alex that United is expected and should win the games as the middle teams do, the way to win in Newcastle is probably as important (if not more so) than the result. It also had a positive impact on the Chelsea match (which was undoubtedly dominated by United despite the draw) and a few games later, including the possibility of surviving a Juventus attack for 90 minutes while winning a victory in the end.
Yaru, Malaysia

Keep changing like Chelsea, United …
There was a lot of talk in the mailbox about who or what the problem was at Utd and there was a lot of talk about the board, Woodward, Glazers and / or Mourinho. In my opinion, the club does not have a plan or discernible orientation is not the problem, just look at Chelsea. Toy for an oligarch who only chops and change things when he feels like it and yet a cup or title every two seasons. Who do we account for it? Abramovich? Board? Luck? for me, everything is about managers. Man U just needs to keep changing managers until they have the right one. Maybe this time, they should try to do like Pardew in GFP?
Jona CFC Byo

Same city, separate worlds
One was an exciting game with attack and counterattack with a Manchester team coming from behind twice to tie.

The other was an utterly abominable performance in a stadium that seemed far from its capacity at the moment the match was won thanks to a last-minute handball of Sideshow Bob.

1. Cities have shown courage and determination. Better than that, it is:
2. Mourinho retains his job for at least another two months. Hurray!
Mark ("Playing football in the Mourinho way." Oh, thank you Lord). MCFC

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