Man charged with online harassment campaign against women over seven years


A 36-year-old man appeared today in Dublin District Court for an alleged seven-year online harbadment campaign against several women.

His appearance follows an 18-month intensive investigation by the cyber-investigations unit of the Garda National Bureau of Cybercrime.

During this period, the accused allegedly persisted in communicating with the victims electronically.

Today, the accused has been charged with several counts of harbadment, in violation of the Non-Lethal Offenses Against the Person Act, 1997 at Kevin Street Garda Station.

He appeared before a Dublin District Court.

The accused was remanded in custody for eight weeks from today's date.

Following extensive investigations by the investigation team, the accused was identified and search and arrest operations ensued.

On May 23, 2018, he was questioned about alleged offenses, then released without charge pending the submission of a file to the DPP.

Digital Office

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