Medicine is not candy: How to keep your kids safe this Halloween


Across the country, parents are gearing up to celebrate Halloween with their kids, and that includes plenty of sweet treats. But sometimes, candy can look a lot like medications and vitamins, especially to a curious child.

Any medication or vitamin that is taken the wrong way, or by the wrong person, can be dangerous. Every year, almost 60,000 young children accidentally ingest medications and end up in the emergency room, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Luckily, most visits results in the child being able to be discharged home after monitoring. But occasionally, children may need to be admitted to the hospital for treatment. These types of health scares can be prevented by taking care of children in the first place.

This Halloween, the CDC is reminding parents to keep medications locked up and out of reach of children as part of its "up and away" campaign, which partners with other government agencies, and medical councils.

Here are their six tips to help keep your kids safe this Halloween and every other day of the year.

PHOTO: A variety of candy is in this stock photo.STOCK / Getty Images
A variety of candy is seen in this stock photo.

Pick up your children can not reach

Medications are often used in the kitchen, but they are often used in the kitchen. Take a quick walk around your house and take care of where you're storing your medications. Make sure it's up to your children, up and out of sight.

Put drugs up and away after each

Never leave open medications out within reach, even if you're just stepping away for a minute or so to give another dose again in a few hours. After you take the medication, remember to put it back in a safe place. This includes medications and vitamins you take every day.

Double check the safety cap

A lot of bottles have child safety caps, but they do not work if we do not check them. Always relock the safety cap after each use, and twist them to make sure they're on securely.

Teach your children about medication safety

Prevention starts with education. It's important to teach children what medicine is, and make sure they know that their parents or caregivers should give it to them. Never tell a child that medication is candy, even if they do not like it.

PHOTO: Variety of pills and capsules are seen in this stock photo.STOCK / Getty Images
Variety of pills and capsules are seen in this stock photo.

Tell your guests about medication safety

Remind guests who visit to keep medications in their bags, coats, or pockets out of sight and out of reach. If possible, have them take their medication at home, or offer them in a safe place in your home.

Know who to call in an emergency

Save the American Association of Poison Control Centers in your phone in case of emergency: 1-800-222-1222.

Call Poison Control right away if you suspect your child has accidentally ingested a medication or vitamin, even if you're not completely sure.

Post the number on your refrigerator or in your place, and make sure all other caretakers – grandparents, babysitters, and nannies – have the phone number.

Dr. Tiffany Yeh is an endocrinology fellow at the New York-Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center and a member of the ABC News Medical Unit.

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