Microsoft's market value overtakes Apple's market value


Microsoft's stock market value surpbaded that of Apple and grew by nearly $ 3 billion last night, as the Windows software vendor benefited from the demand-driven optimism of cloud computing services.

Microsoft shares jumped 3%, bringing its market capitalization to $ 848 billion.

With the broad market rebounding after the recent economic slowdown, Apple has also made progress, but less than Microsoft.

With an increase of 2.17%, Apple's market capitalization stands at $ 845 billion, just four months after the iPhone maker broke the $ 1 trillion barrier for the first time.

Microsoft and Apple briefly traded at about the same level after Monday's bell, but Microsoft's intraday advance on Apple last night was more substantial.

The market capitalizations of the two companies were calculated using the outstanding shares declared at their last deposits.

Apple's market capitalization surpbaded that of Microsoft in 2010, as the Windows vendor struggled with slow demand for personal computers, in part because of the explosion of smartphones driven by Apple's iPhone.

Since then, Microsoft has not ended a formal trading session whose stock market value is higher than that of Apple.

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