Mighty Miss Maya takes big steps, takes her first steps


Maya Tisdale, age 4, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of one and a half years

TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan, (WPBN / WGTU) – A North Michigan 4 years old. The girl is making great strides two months after receiving life-changing surgery.

Maya Tisdale, age 4, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was one and a half years old.

"Ann Tisdale, Maya's mother.

Maya received selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery in May.

"During the surgery, they open the spine, they test all the nerves and the doctors said that it was not clear how long it would take him to recover.

" It takes some time for children to recover afterwards because they really have to build real, "Ann said.

She was able to make her first steps alone two months later. A viral video shows these first steps and the true excitement of Maya.

"Just the joy on his face, it was incredible," Ann said.

Before taking these steps and his surgery, the 4-year-old boy

Maya was born premature, so it was a trip for the Tisdale family.

"She was considered a micro-prey she was a pound 10 She was born almost four months ago," said Ann. "She has always been a bit of a fighter."

Several days after her first not, she continues to enjoy her favorite pastime, teasing her older brothers, Wes and Jack.

The family has received a lot of support from the community as individuals and businesses donate money and organized fundraisers to help the family attend therapy after the operation. "We really wanted to share Maya's first steps, just to say thank you for helping us come here," Ann said. 19659003] Maya continues to seize new opportunities, one step at a time up to her nickname, Mighty Miss Maya.

Maya goes to therapy five days a week.

Family continues to work with her at home and do recommended exercises es and of course that includes playing time with his older brothers.

A website has been set up for donations to help the Tisdale Family and Maya Therapy.

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