KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) – The Missouri County that includes Kansas City is the latest municipality to sue opioid manufacturers, distributors, and pharmacies for what it calls the "worst epidemic of modern medical history." [19659002JacksonCountyallèguedanslaplaintedéposéemercredidevantlaCourfédéralequel'épidémieaalourdilecomtéavecdeshospitalisationsliéesauxopioïdesdesréponsesmédicalesd'urgenceauxsurdosesdesbébésnésenretraitdesincarcérationsetdescasdeprotectiondel'enfanceIlditqueplusde300personnessontmortesdesdécèsparoverdosed'opioïdedanslecomtéde2013à2017
"This case is the result of the worst epidemic of & # 39; modern medical history: & # 39; abuse, & # 39; abuse and The opioid over-prescription "The trial names 33 defendants, alleging that they have created a" public health epidemic "using misleading marketing and escape rules on the sale of controlled substances.
"While the county has committed substantial resources to deal with the crisis, the opioid epidemic is far from being contained," the complaint says. "In order to cope with the crisis, those responsible must pay for their conduct and mitigate the nuisances and harms they have created in the county."
Purdue Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of Oxycontin, is the first defendant cited. Purdue has denied complaints in nationwide trials about the scourge of opioid abuse, saying he will defend himself.
More than 300 cities, counties and states have filed lawsuits against the opioid industry as of February and the number has increased almost daily. The lawsuits follow a similar lawsuit to the big tobacco companies that in 1998 resulted in a $ 246 billion principal settlement to the states over 25 years.
A federal judge in Cleveland convened settlement talks between many of
At least 16 other governments in Kansas and Missouri filed lawsuits for opioids, including Cbad County in Missouri and County Sedgwick in Kansas.
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