Mosquito Spray In Laurel This Weekend After West Nile


From the Town of Laurel: Traces of West Nile Virus have been detected in a mosquito caught in a trap near the town of Hyattsville

As a precautionary measure, the Mosquito Control Section The Maryland Department of Agriculture is required to spray a radius of three-quarters of a mile that includes certain areas of Hyattsville east of 42nd Avenue.

Laurel traps were tested and were not positive.

The Maryland Department of Agriculture sprayed Laurel twice in June. They were not sprayed here in July because of the time and the low number of mosquitoes.

MDA teams must spray at Laurel on Sunday, July 29, 2018, depending on weather and if teams may spray Hyattsville tonight (July 26)

The MDA reminds people that they can reduce the risk mosquito bites using a repellent, avoiding stagnant water and wearing clothes that cover the skin.

If you are bitten by a mosquito In case of headache, fever, weakness and / or disorientation, be sure to contact a health professional immediately.

For more tips, check out this Maryland Department of Agriculture video

. mosquitoes in your home or community, please contact the Public Works Department of the Town of Laurel at 301-725-0088

Image via Shutterstock

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