New HIV vaccine found safe, effective


Scientists have developed a new vaccine that can trigger an immune response against a wide variety of HIV strains, which could help prevent the deadly infection in the future.

Researchers, including those at Harvard Medical School The United States found that the "mosaic" vaccine, created by combining fragments of different HIV viruses, was well tolerated and produced comparable and robust immune responses against HIV in healthy adults and rhesus monkeys.

"These results represent a milestone," said Dan Barouch, lead author of the study published in the journal The Lancet.

"This Study Demonstrates Ad26 Prime Mosaic Ad26 Plus Gp140 Boosted Robust HIV-Induced Vaccine Immune responses in humans and monkeys with comparable magnitude, kinetics, phenotype and durability also provided 67% protection against viruses in monkeys, "said Barouch

an estimated 1.8 million new cases each year.The researchers said that a safe and effective preventive vaccine was urgently needed to stop the HIV pandemic,

A major obstacle to HIV vaccine development has been the lack of direct comparability between clinical trials and preclinical studies.To solve these methodological problems, scientists evaluated the main candidate vaccines against HIV-1-based adenovirus mosaic 26 (Ad26) in the context of parallel clinical and pre-clinical studies to identify the optimal vaccine regimen for clinical trials of effectiveness.

The study recruited 393 healthy and non-HIV infected adults (aged 18 to 50 years) in 12 clinics in East Africa, South Africa, from Thailand and the United States.

Volunteers were randomly badigned to placebo, and received four vaccinations within 48 weeks.

To stimulate, or "prime", an initial immune response, each volunteer received an intramuscular injection of Ad26.Mos.HI. V at the beginning of the study and again 12 weeks later

The vaccine containing the Env / Gag / Pol "mosaic" antigens was created from numerous strains of HIV, administered with the help of A non-replicating common cold virus (Ad26).

The results showed that all vaccine regimens tested were able to generate anti-HIV immune responses in healthy individuals and were well tolerated, with a similar number of local and systemic reactions reported in all groups, most of which were mild to moderate.

The researchers also noted several limitations, including the fact that the relevance of vaccine protection in rhesus monkeys against clinical efficacy in humans remains unclear.

No definitive immunological measurement is known to predict protection against HIV-1 in humans, they said.

"These results should be interpreted with caution.The challenges in developing an HIV vaccine are unprecedented, and the ability to induce specific immune responses to HIV does not necessarily indicate that 39, a vaccine will protect humans from HIV infection, said Barouch.

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