Outbreak of multistatic bacteria linked to Venezuelan fresh crab meat


The CDC, the FDA, and several local health authorities have issued a warning against fresh contaminated crab meat imported from Venezuela. There have been cases of people who became ill and hospitalized because of the product under investigation.

( David Greenwood-Haigh )

The United States Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Local Health Services warn against the consumption of crab meat possibly contaminated. The product is linked to the outbreak of multistatic bacteria that has already seen eight sick people in Maryland, two in Louisiana, one in Pennsylvania and one in the District of Columbia. Four people in Maryland were hospitalized. Cases have been reported from April 1 to July 3.

Bacteria have been identified as Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Food contaminated with bacteria can have air, smell and have a normal taste. This means that there is no immediate way to find out which fresh crabmeat should be avoided if it is unclear if it was purchased in Venezuela.

The fresh crabmeat being investigated is sold as a fresh product that can be served fresh or light. warmed. The product is commonly sold in plastic containers labeled "pre-cooked".

To date, the FDA, CDC and local health services have not yet identified the main source or importer of contaminated fresh crab meat. To do

Consumers should check the label of crabmeat when buying at the grocery store. Those who have crabmeat stored in their freezer at home are asked to check if the products come from Venezuela. If this is the case, it would be better to dispose the product immediately.

For those who dine in restaurants, it is highly advisable to ask the management where the crabmeat comes from. The same is true when buying crab meat at the grocery store.

If the origin of the product could not be determined, the FDA recommends not to consume it, whether the crabmeat is served in a restaurant or purchased at the supermarket. retailers, meanwhile, should also dispose of all supplies of fresh and cooked crabmeat from Venezuela. It is also recommended that establishments dispose of all foods that pose a cross-contamination risk. They should get rid of food stored in the same warehouse with contaminated fresh crabmeat. They should also disinfect all equipment and utensils that came into contact with Venezuelan crab meat

Vibrio Bacteria

Vibrio bacteria can cause watery diarrhea with abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever and chills. Symptoms appear within 24 hours and can last for about three days. Most of those who contract the bacteria can heal quickly.

Severe illness is rare and usually occurs in people with weakened immune systems. It is therefore recommended that children under 5 years and older people take extra precautions when they eat fresh seafood.

Some species of vibrio bacteria can cause a skin infection when they enter an open wound of the skin. This type of vibrion bacteria usually grows in brackish water or water found where rivers meet the sea.

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