Parents raise awareness about genetics when children get the same diagnosis of brain cancer


LONG BEACH, Calif. –

A brother and sister were diagnosed with cancer in one week. Their parents want to inform the public of their children because the cause is considered genetic.

Life before the Memorial Day weekend was simple for Kalea, 6, a daredevil skateboarder. His 4-year-old brother, Noah, learned to ride a bike.

Then, in the space of one week, both children were diagnosed with medulloblastoma. The doctors found a tumor, of similar size in the same parts of each child's brain. The family now had to fight against cancer

"You cry so much the week before and then everything else is broken … My wife and I were just crying," said Father Duncan Avery, a surf coach. at Redondo Union High School

Miller's Children's Hospital, Long Beach, became a second home, according to the children's mother

"They do not have a choice If I break down, if I'm not there for them, then who do they have, is not it? Nohea Avery said.

Doctors told the Averys that he There are rare reports of brothers and sisters developing brain cancer, but not showing symptoms at the same time or being diagnosed with the same type of cancer.I spoke to my husband, we can not ask why we need to ask, what now, how can we go ahead? Nohea Avery said.

These parents decided to become lawyers.They created an Instagram account, @ the.averys, to create an awareness community.

"With advances in medicine and there's just one way to say", hey, you If you know what, this gene triggers medulloblastoma, "Maybe they can catch it early enough," said Duncan Avery.

The child surgeon removed both tumors. The cancer has not spread, which, according to experts, has boosted survival rates to 80%.

"As a mother, your job is to comfort your babies. "And not being able to do that is the hardest thing," Nohea Avery said.

She promised to do everything possible to make sure that no one else feels this desperation

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