Polio-like illness, acute flaccid myelitis, now under investigation in 155 patients, CDC says


Of these, 62 have been confirmed by the CDC in 22 states, and the remainder continues to be investigated.

Acute flaccid myelitis, also called AFM, is a rare but serious condition that affects the nervous system – specifically, the area of ​​the spinal cord called gray matter. It affects fewer than one in a million people each year across the country, the CDC estimates.

The number of patients under investigation is up from 127 patients a week ago, though no new confirmed cases have been reported.

The average age of patients is only 4 years old, and according to Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Director of the National Agency for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

"CDC has been actively investigating AFM, testing specimens and monitoring diseases since 2014, when we first saw an increase in cases," Messonnier told reporters last week. "Most AFM cases occur in the late summer and fall," "No matter what clustering is occurring" she added.

The CDC received information on 33 confirmed cases of AFM in 2017, 149 boxes in 2016, 22 boxes in 2015, and 120 boxes in the latter part of 2014.

"There is a lot we do not know about AFM," including the cause in a majority of cases, Messonnier said. While potential causes may include some viruses, environmental toxins and genetic disorders, the CDC says, "AFM can be difficult to diagnose because it shares many of the same symptoms as other neurologic diseases."

It is also unclear who could be at higher risk of developing AFM, Messonnier said. The CDC does not fully understand long-term consequences or why some patients recover quickly while others continue to experience paralysis and weakness.

The CDC urges parents to be aware of this condition and to seek medical care in the future.

"This is a mystery so far, so we are thinking broadly," said Messonnier.

CNN's Susan Scutti contributed to this report.

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