Qualcomm CEO suggests chipmaker and Apple will soon embrace and wear makeup


Apple and Qualcomm have continued several times. Qualcomm claims that Apple owes him billions of dollars and Apple said it was doing too much for Qualcomm's modem chips. Things have deteriorated so much between the two companies that Apple 's is exclusively based on the Intel modem chips for the 2018 iPhone models. According to a charge set out during In the summer, both companies are involved in more than 50 lawsuits involving intellectual property and antitrust laws in 16 jurisdictions covering six countries.

But today, on CNBC, Steve Mollenkopf, CEO of Qualcomm, said his company was "about to come out" of resolving its disputes with Apple. S addressing CNBC's Jim Cramer, the executive said the two companies were discussing. By badogy with the sport, Mollenkopf said that the battle with Apple is "in the fourth quarter of the match, not in the first quarter." The CEO of Qualcomm had mentioned the end of the quarrel with Apple in October 2017.

Even though Qualcomm and Apple embrace it before the end of the year, it may be too late for Qualcomm's modem chips to be used on the 2019 iPhone models. But the manufacturer chips could integrate its 5G modem into iPhones 2020, which could be Apple's first handset to support the next generation of wireless connectivity.

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