Rachel McAdams talks about motherhood for the first time


Rachel McAdams keeps her private life so secretly that we did not even know she was pregnant until about six weeks before welcoming her baby boy.

The Oscar nominee simply dropped from the radar until birth and, even now, seven months later, a McAdams sighting is about as common as a glimpse of Central Park's hot duck.

That being said, the actress was surprised by the new love of her life in an interview with The Sunday Times. "It's the best thing that happened to me, hands down," McAdams said, and considering Ryan Gosling, that's really saying something.

"I take more pleasure in being a mom than I ever had," she continued. "Everything is interesting, exciting and inspiring for me. Even on hard days – they have something delicious. "

"Disobedience" - Tribeca's 2018 Film Festival

the Disobedience The star is romantically linked to her current boyfriend, screenwriter Jamie Linden, since April 2016 – the latest in a string of Hollywood stars including Gosling, Josh Lucas, Michael Sheen and Taylor Kitsch. So why, at age 38, did McAdams (now 40 years old) decide that it was time to start a family?

"[People say] your life is no longer yours, "she said of childhood," but I was 39 years old, I was tired of myself, I was so happy to focus on someone else.

"I waited a long time [for motherhood]She continued, "That's just how it happened, and I did not want to do it before it was the right time."

RELATED: Ryan Gosling said he had never met anyone who could beat Rachel McAdams

McAdams admits that she is taking advantage of the change in pace provided by parenthood and is committed to keeping her son's life "private, even though mine is not mine."

I guess that means we should not hold our breath for a picture of the baby McAdams-Linden …?

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