Red Dead Redemption 2 players use a canoe to escape the world


The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is wide. After spending enough time running in the deserts and marshes of RDR2you may want to take a vacation. Maybe going to visit a new exotic country? Some cunning players have figured out how to do that. All it takes is a canoe and patience.

If you have not been beaten RDR2 Yet, the location that players visit can be a spoiler.

So you want to leave the West a little further and go somewhere a bit more tropical? Basement Gamer Bros has a simple and short video showing players how to escape the world aboard a small boat.

You will first have to trick the game into believing that you deserve even your little tropical vacation. To do this, you will have to use a different problem to leave the playable map of RDR2. Nobody said that this trip would be easy.

Once this first problem is activated, you will have to head south until you get a notification that you have entered Guarma. However, if you look around you, you will notice that you are not on a fictional Cuban island, but still in the Wild West. That's good, it's all part of the process!

The next step is to turn around and head north towards the Lannahechee River.

At the river you should find canoes. "Borrow" one of these small boats and start going up the river to the north. It will take time, so maybe have a drink or a snack.

Screen Capture: Basement Gamer Bros (YouTube)

Finally, after typing and tapping the row button, you will escape the map. Unfortunately, you now have even more rowing in front of you. Once you have reached a poorly textured land mbad on the right, head your canoe towards the shore. Instead of getting stuck on the beach, you and your canoe will navigate as if nothing is on your way.

Once you are under the ground, continue paddling to the south and you will eventually reach the Guarma coastline. Enjoy your tropical vacation, you've certainly deserved it after all this bading paddling.

This is not the only way to get to Guarma. Other players have used different methods to reach the island, including crossing an opening in the game world.

The selected image: Basement Gamer Bros (YouTube)

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