Robot learns to sort and organize after watching a human do it once


H A robotic butler hands you a steaming cup of coffee, and the morning paper is something science fiction has brought to life and modern robotics has brought it into the realm of possibility. Yet roboticists still struggle to teach machines how to perform tasks that even children are able to do. That's why two researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, started teaching a robot like he was five years old in the hope of turning him into a robot master of science. Silver screen

"We teach robots how to tear off sorting and organizing tasks by simply watching a human do them once," says Tianhe Yu, co-author of the Study Inverse "Today's robots are able to perform a few specific tasks well, but they still do not get close to what a human is capable of." that by teaching robots by demonstration we can enable them to perform more general tasks. "

  UC Berkeley Robotic Showing a Robot What To Do

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