Scientists discover, but another way of sleep can damage us: report


Recent research has shown that insufficient or insufficient sleep, defined as shorter durations of less than seven hours and more than nine hours per night, was badociated with significant disruption of our body's self-maintenance mechanisms. And as evidenced by any early morning lark working late at night, or a night bird leaving early in the morning, we humans become chronically tired, tense and forgetful when these homeostatic processes escape. Oh, and we also have greater risks of cancer, heart attack and metabolic diseases.

A team at Pennsylvania State University has now shown that a short period of sleep can also lead to dehydration by interfering with the brain's release of vasopressin, a water retention hormone. This finding may help explain why people who do not get enough sleep are more likely to suffer from health problems related to hydration, such as insulin sensitivity, hunger / satiety syndrome signaling, and cardiovascular disorders. and renal.

In their article published in Sleep magazine, Asher Rosinger and colleagues badyzed the duration of sleep and information on the urine concentration of 20 119 adults who participated in one of the three major studies on health: two cohorts of the NHANES (Health and Nutrition Examination Survey). ) and a cohort of the study on Chinese Kailuan. Subjects with confirmed or suspected diabetes, kidney problems, those taking diuretic medications and pregnant women were excluded.

American and Chinese participants, the authors noted a significant badociation between six hours of sleep and a higher density of urine, a measure which means that the urine is highly concentrated and therefore the person is dehydrated . (For Kailuan participants, urine samples were collected in the morning, but for NHANES participants, urine was collected at unspecified times during physical examinations.) Compared to those who reported sleeping eight hours a night, sleepers at six o'clock were 16 to 59% more likely to be dehydrated.

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