Sleep disorder related to changes in brain structure typical of dementia – ScienceDaily


Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is badociated with changes in brain structure that are also observed in the early stages of dementia, according to a study published in the European Respiratory Journal ]. The AOS, where the walls of the throat relax and contract during sleep while stopping breathing, is known to reduce oxygen levels in the blood. The new study suggests that this decline in oxygen may be related to a narrowing of the temporal lobes of the brain and a corresponding decline in memory.

Researchers say the study provides evidence that screening older people to prevent dementia in this population.

The study was conducted by Professor Sharon Naismith of the University of Sydney, Australia. She said: "Between 30% and 50% of the risk of dementia is due to modifiable factors such as depression, high blood pressure, obesity and smoking. In recent years, researchers have recognized that various sleep disorders are also risk factors for dementia. We wanted to specifically look at obstructive sleep apnea and its effects on the brain and cognitive abilities. "

The researchers worked with a group of 83 people, aged between 51 and 88, who had consulted their doctor with concerns about their memory, or mood, but did not have diagnosis of OSA Each participant was badessed for memory capacity and depression symptoms, and each underwent an MRI to measure the dimensions of different areas of the brain.

Participants were also monitored in a clinical sleep for signs of polysomnography.This technique records brain activity, oxygen levels in the blood, heart rate, respiration, and movements.

found that patients who had low levels of oxygen during sleep tended to have a reduced thickness.Right temporal lobes of the brain.These are areas known to be important in memory and af

They also found that this alteration in the brain was related to the participant's lower ability to learn new information. Researchers say it's the first time that a direct link of this type has been shown.

Conversely, patients with signs of OSA were also more likely to have an increase in thickness in other areas of the brain, which could be signs of depression. AOS is more common in the elderly and has already been badociated with heart disease, stroke, and cancer, but it can be treated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Professor Naismith added, "We chose to study this group because they are older and considered to be at risk for dementia." Our findings suggest that we should screen for OSA in the elderly. We should also ask older patients who attend sleep clinics about their memory and thinking skills, and perform tests if necessary.

"There is no cure for dementia.On the other hand, we have an effective treatment for OSA.This research shows that diagnose and treat the AOS could to be an opportunity to prevent cognitive decline before it's too late. "

Professor Naismith and her team are now researching whether CPAP treatment can prevent cognitive decline and improve brain connectivity Andrea Aliverti, professor of bioengineering at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, is head of the Assembly of the European Respiratory Society on Clinical Physiology and Sleep and has not participated in the research. know that in addition to disrupting sleep, OSA may increase the risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart attack and stroke.This research adds to evidence that the OSA is also t related to dementia and suggests a likely mechanism for the link. However, we can treat OSA and measures such as stopping smoking and weight loss can reduce the risk of developing the disease. "

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Material Provided by European Lung Foundation Note: Content may be subject to change in style and length.

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