Spending time in green spaces is good for you • Earth.com


Spending time outdoors can cheer you up. Now, researchers believe that time spent in green spaces can also improve your health.

A new study conducted by Dr. Caoimhe Twohig-Bennett of Norwich Medical School has revealed that exposure to green spaces can have several health benefits. including reducing the risk of disorders such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, premature labor and high blood pressure, among others.

The team of researchers badyzed more than 140 studies worldwide. really offers a boost to health. They defined green spaces as open rural spaces and parks in cities and urban areas.

"Spending time in nature certainly makes us feel healthier, but up to now, the impact on our long-term well-being has not been fully understood. Twohig-Bennett stated:

They found that people who live near or spend a lot of time in green spaces also tend to sleep better and have fewer physical symptoms of stress

. a therapy in Japan – where participants spend time in the forest, sitting or lying down, or just walking around. Our study shows that maybe they have the right idea! ", Said Twohig-Bennett.

Although there is much research showing the health benefits of visiting nature, researchers still do not know why it has a relaxing and healing effect.

"People living near green spaces probably have more opportunities for physical activity and socialization. Meanwhile, exposure to a variety of bacteria present in natural areas may also have benefits to the immune system and reduce inflammation, "she said.

D & # 39; Further research is needed to test these ideas, yet researchers hope that the health benefits will encourage more people to spend time outdoors.

Systematic review and badysis have been published in the journal Environmental Research

By Kyla Cathey, [19659014] Earth.com Personal Editor

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