Spider bite led to amputation of the leg, says a woman


(CNN) – A mother of three from Arkansas says that a spider bite cost her one leg.

"I saw my little cousins ​​at the ball and their father said to me," Why were you lame? What is going on? "" Kiara Boulton of West Memphis, Ark., Told CNN WREG's affiliate. "Then I showed him my foot and I told him – I think I was bitten by a spider" And he said, "Well, what kind do you think this "And I said," a brown recluse. "

A diabetic since she was 10, Boulton went to the emergency room at St. Francis Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, where she was ordered to consult her attending physician who prescribed her her bite medications.

Boulton told WREG that his toe became black three days after the bite. She went back to the hospital and was told that she was to be amputated, one of seven surgeries that Boulton said was the result of the spider bite

L & rsquo; Hospital was unable to speak directly to Boulton's case. is committed to the health and well-being of our community, "said the hospital in a statement." Although we are unable to comment on a patient's case because of the privacy laws, after hospitalization or an emergency visit, it is essential that patients follow their discharge instructions, take prescribed medications and participate in all follow-up appointments. 39, test, Boulton told WREG that she said to herself "three children, Kiara, three."

"God would not have let you have them if you were lost. I am not supposed to be there for them. Fight through this. Fight the pain. "

Treating and Preventing Spider Bites

Brown recluse spiders are commonly found in the central and midwestern United States," said Neelendra Joshi, an badistant professor in the department of entomology of University of Arkansas A bite of a recluse brown spider can be fatal in rare cases, but spiders are not usually as aggressive as other species, says Joshi, but they will bite when they get stuck against our skin, he said.

As you can see, it's very toxic and it can lead to premature death of blood cells, "says Joshi," he is considered to be One of the most venomous spiders in the United States. "

After a spider bite the victim may or may not feel pain within minutes or hours.A rash may surround the bite and potentially spread to the rest of the body.The dark and central area of ​​the rash is what causes the death of the tissue

Treatment for br squeezed clean spider bites will be targeted for specific symptoms, such as antibiotics to treat infection or antihistamines to treat itching.

Donna Seger, Medical Director of the Tennessee Poison Center and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, stated that bites must be washed and allowed to air dry

"There are many of urban legends about spider bites. She's seen patients stain tobacco, coffee grounds and horse balm during her 30 years of treating spider bites.

After a bite, a small number of people will have a systemic reaction that will cause fever, rashes, and red blood cells, Seger said. This may require a blood transfusion.

She recommends consulting a doctor to confirm the type of sting and make sure that it heals properly.

However, people with diabetes have a completely different immune system, Seger warned.

"If you are talking about any type of lesion or any disruption of the skin in a diabetic, the risk of amputation is much higher," said Seger, who said: was not involved in the treatment of Boulton. To avoid spider bites, Joshi recommends removing spider webs and cluttering it, controlling various household insects and sealing crevices and openings between walls and corners. to control spider populations. As extra protection, people can use sticky traps, chemical sprays or dust insecticides that continue to work for long periods of time.

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