Study: Mortality rate of homeless people on Boston streets is 10 times higher than average


Homeless people living on the street in Boston had a death rate nearly three times higher than those living in shelters and nearly 10 times higher than the general population of Mbadachusetts, according to a new study published [19659002]. In the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, 445 homeless homeless adults were examined who "slept badly" in 2000 and followed what happened to them for 10 years. One hundred and thirty-four of them died.

"Mortality rates among homeless homeless adults in this study were higher than those of the adult population of Mbadachusetts and a homeless adult cohort with equivalent services. This study suggests that this distinct subpopulation of homeless people deserves special attention to address their unique clinical and psychosocial needs, "said the study, whose lead author was Jill S. Roncarati, a researcher at Harvard TH

The results demonstrate "how much this group is more vulnerable," said Roncarati in an e-mail

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The researchers said the most common causes of death were noncommunicable diseases (such as cancer and heart disease), alcohol problems, and chronic liver disease. Previous studies have shown that mortality rates among homeless people are higher, but it has looked at the rates of the subgroup of those living on the street, a "population that runs through our urban landscapes". According to a study conducted in January 2017, nearly 193,000 people were sleeping outside of the United States, according to the study.

According to the study, "a patient-centric model of proximity service"

The researchers' recommendations also included "greater availability and better access to treatment of disorders related to the patient". substance use, including smoking cessation; and a continuum of housing models with flexible social services to meet individual needs for successful rentals. "

In a related commentary in the journal, Dr. Mitchell Katz, President and CEO of New York City Health and Hospitals, said: There will always be those who, because of personal choices, decompensated mental health or substance use disorders, will adopt behaviors that will put them at risk of premature death. "

" Roncarati et al remind us of the heterogeneity of the homeless population and document the deadly repercussions of Their work shows that even though access to housing remains the cornerstone of the fight against homelessness, immediate, varied and innovative solutions are urgently needed, "he said. Written.

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